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FINALLY! Although, I'm not going to give YouTube any credit for this, as they only did this because of the backlash they received. -_-

  1. Eduard the weeb

    Eduard the weeb

    I think they should have just given piewdiepie back his show

    The first thinning was pretty good and I kinda wanted to see the second one tbh 


    but wall I am happy they took action this wasn't the one I wanted.

  2. WkdPaul


    Yeah, I read that. Maybe the "acted accordingly" they previously mentioned was a guideline strike that that they issued to his channel?


    But then again, no strikes were confirmed and this only came AFTER everyone was angry at YT for seemingly doing nothing. So who knows ...

  3. PCGuy_5960



    I think they should have just given piewdiepie back his show



    but wall I am happy they took action this wasn't the one I wanted.

    This isn't the only action they took, they also cut his revenue by 50%, because he is no longer part of Google's Top Tier Ad platform. (aka no YouTube Red money) :D


    Aw Yiss. 

  4. Eduard the weeb

    Eduard the weeb

    800 000 pounds a month to 400,000 Nice lol 

    his clothing brand is still selling well and he is gaining subs rip why is the world unfair I trying to learn to become and engineer and this slob is making like 4 times what I MAY make and he has no talent with a camera or editing and is super annoying literary all those edits and shots are done by other people and he just panders to kids like 8-13 

  5. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    The squeaky wheels get the grease.


    Let's talk about Pewdiepie for a moment though.  The fact that Logan seems to be getting punished at the same level as Pewdiepie kinda bothers me.

    While i'm not in the "remove Logan Paul's account" camp, if YouTube views that Pewdiepie's actions are just as bad.  Well, they are beyond reasoning.


    I'm not defending Pewdiepie's actions though.  His Nazi joke and his racial outburst was distasteful, but not nearly to the same level as filming a corpse, not even close.


    I ended up seeing more of Logan's content, and I have come to the conclusion that he is a spoiled brat that was never punished for anything.

    This opinion was further enforced when I heard what his father had to say.  His father's response kinda reminded me of Mat Pat's responses to those that tried to debate his theories, "they're all haters".


    Criticism is very important, as it is the best way one can learn from their mistakes.  I would be willing to forgive Logan Paul's actions (not forget) if he was willing to take this as a learning experience and try to improve himself as a result.

    I have doubts that will ever happen when he is surrounded with his family though.

  6. Techstorm970


    @Cinnabar Sonar I agree with you.  Yes, Nazi jokes are distasteful and racist bullshit is awful, but that can sometimes be boiled down to hanging out with the wrong crowd.  That stuff can be turned around with support groups and...finding better friends, I guess.  Treating suicide like it's a joke?  That takes more.  To go with our previous example, you have to be with the wrong crowd AND legitimately sick in the head to be that way.  What Logan Paul did in that forest isn't just an embarrassment for him; it's an embarrassment for all of humanity.  It's the kind of thing that would probably make any aliens think of us as parasites rather than just idiots.  I would much rather send a "D*cks out for Harambe" meme (which I hate) to extraterrestrials than Logan Paul's visit to the Suicide Forest.

  7. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @techstorm970 Logan Paul isn't irredeemable, and his vile little stunt looks tame compared to those that actively try to harm others (such as swatting).

    Hardly the worst example of humanity.

    That's not to say that what he did isn't inexcusable, just that I have seen much MUCH worse.


    He should be held accountable for his actions, and be disciplined.  But I always believe in redemption.

    Whether he seeks redemption or not is up to him, and it's up to the individual to forgive him, and I don't blame anyone for not forgiving him.
