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God, Chrome on iOS is shit now.  They updated it and they moved everything around.  I liked all my stuff being at the top, on top of that, I love being able to swipe to close tabs.  They took both of those away.  I now have to push the tab button at the bottom of the screen, and tap a stupid x.  I want to swipe to close :c

  1. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    Eh, I like Edge's interface more than Chrome's on iOS.

  2. kaiju_wars


    @VegetableStu I have an iPhone SE, there is no 3D Touch.  

    and I don’t want to hold then swipe, I want to see my list of tabs and swipe them away as I need to, like I could before when sorting through tabs.


    @Densetsu it really did.


    @Dan Castellaneta I don’t like the design language of edge, plus everything syncs across chrome 
