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I've applied for about 15 jobs here in town, and now one call back. But one thing I noticed on the apps is that I was told to report any felonies and such, so I had to put down 5 years ago I hung out with the wrong crowd and vandalized a car. Well, this fucking sucks.

  1. Yummychickenblue


    Wow. (Why did you decide that it was a good idea to vandalize a car at 11 years old?)

  2. Tea1337


    Wrong crowd, I felt bad afterwords and just came clean with the cops, since my father was a cap at the time he arrived to the scene with his cop friend. I just don't know what made me go along and do it.

  3. Yummychickenblue


    Well I hope you still get one of the jobs.

  4. Flyguygamer


    Grats. I am also looking for a job.

  5. Tea1337


    Well, There are 2 grocery stores that are hiring that don't require any background check in order to get a job.
