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Jason Betts

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Everything posted by Jason Betts

  1. I think that's the card authorization. It's a check to see if your credit card is legit which will later be updated to $1 (plus maybe tax)
  2. Just don't forget to cancel the trial! I use Google Calendar to remind me (I do this trial stuff a lot)
  3. I found this deal and just bought one: http://www.1sale.com/products/100-free-mobile-phone-service-w-global-3-in-1-sim-kit-free-microsd-card-freedompop/ You get 1 GB of mobile data valid for 30 days, 1 8 GB micro SD card, and a SIM card, with free shipping, for just $1. There is a catch of coarse: It's a 30 day trial of their wireless service. If you forget to cancel within 30 days, they charge you $27 for the next month. They will also charge you if you use the SIM card and go over 1 GB of data. Why go for this deal then? I'm doing it for the 8 GB card, $1 is really cheap for that. I won't even activate the SIM, and I'll cancel the 'trial' the day I receive the package. Well, that's the deal!
  4. I think it's unethical period, but I still do it. I'm too curious for my own good, but I'd never do anything with what I find, unless it was super illegal, but so far that hasn't happened. I have seen some pretty funny things though.
  5. Crispy smoked bacon with maple on a bed of hash browns. This is why I won't live to be 30...
  6. You can upgrade hour account to a business account for free, then request a free PayPal Business Debit card, and spend your PayPal funds on the card at physical stores. That's as close as you can get to getting your money out without a bank account. Take the card to an ATM or get cash back. As a bonus, the business debit card gives you 1% cash back whenever it's swiped as credit, since stores pay more for credit transactions and PayPal is willing to split that tiny profit with you. If you wanted, you could link a credit card to your PayPal Business Debit and swipe as debit to get cash back on a credit card without paying the cash out fee on your credit card, or as credit to get double cash back since both PayPal and the linked credit card would give you rewards. Finally, you can get two cards with the PayPal Business Debit program, so it's also a cool way you can pay for things with an Alias if you're into that sort of thing. Just request a second card for your 'business partner' under the fake name and now you have a working, legit card under an Alias that charges your PayPal balance. I know that's more info then you were lot for, but I like PayPal
  7. That's a cute bear. I'd trust it to drive a plane.
  8. Is the Raspberry Pi Zero only available in store? My nearest location is 2 hours away!
  9. That's brilliant! I have a Radioshack closing nearby, I can get all the parts and tools for cheap Thanks for the diagram!
  10. Hi guys, does anyone know of a gadget I can plug into a car power outlet that will allow me to turn on or off the accessory plugged in from a short distance? I have an accessory in the back of my SUV plugged into the back outlet, and it's a bit of a power hog. I'd rather not have to unplug and replug it every time I want to leave my phone in the car to charge, it would be so nice if there was some gadget that would let me press a button from the front seat to turn off the back outlet. I don't care if it's wireless or has a cord, but if the remote switch does have a cord it would need to be long enough for me to run it from the back to the front. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated! P.S: to anyone thinking I could use some sort of fuse box trick, like maybe a 3rd party fuse that has a short cable with a on/off switch, the front and back outlets in my car are on the same fuse, so I'd have to plug my phone into the back seat outlet...
  11. Just Googled " hysterectomy ". Sounds serous.
  12. I see. Good point. Using the tool you told me about I can write in " " to make a 0 cell appear empty until the math inside gets a value higher than 0, but I'm not sure if that will affect an average formula. I would think the formula would skip any cells that don't contain a value?
  13. Why are you on here? You should be relaxing while you can before a surgery! Good luck with your surgery, and thanks for the help. I'll try that out.
  14. No, I don't understand what you mean by a condition.
  15. Hi, I want to know if it is possible to tell a formula to ignore cells with values of 0 or an error. For example, I want to average all cells in a column but I want to ignore cells with 0, or further down the spreadsheet I want to ignore any cells with a "divide by 0" error since those cells rely on earlier cells which are currently 0. I want my formula ="$"&ROUND(AVERAGE(M2:M201),2) to ignore invalid cells in the M2:M201 list. Thanks, Jason.
  16. I found that this formula works: =AVERAGE(IF(WEEKDAY(B2:B201)=2,C2:C201)) I have to press shift + ctrl + enter instead of just enter. What I don't understand is how to tell it which day I want to use. Somewhere in there it says which day, but I don't know what part is saying what day of the week it's looking for.
  17. I could do that but I'd really rather not if I can avoid it.
  18. That also does not work. I'm not sure why.
  19. Googling around I found this formula: =AVERAGE(IF(WEEKDAY(B2:B201)=2,C2:C201)) But it doesn't seem to work.
  20. That's odd. Even if your phone was using cellular data for carrier apps like visual voicemail or my account or an app like that, something that needs to use cellular data to identify you as a customer, it shouldn't use more than a few megabytes. I know with T-Mobile and their brands they don't even could data used for identification.
  21. Hi guys, I have another excel question. I have a list of dates running down the B column, and I want a formula for cells at the end of each column after B that averages the totals for each value in that column that occurs on a certain weekday. For example, values in column C count how many trips were made that day. I want a formula that checks rows 2 to 201 of column C, and if the date in that row's corresponding B cell is, say, Monday, then add it to a list of all C values that took place on a Monday, then average them. That way I can see at the bottom how many trips occurred on an average Monday. Something like: C2:C201 If B(current cell)=Monday add value to string1, add all values in string1 and divide by number of values. I know my coding there is pretty bad, but you get the idea. A formula that checks if the value in a given cell was placed on a given day of the week based on dates from an adjacent cell. I Googled this before I wrote the post and I found methods of obtaining a day of the week from a stored date, and I know there is a way to average a column with that C2:C201 thing but I don't understand Excel well enough to put together a working formula that does everything cleanly in a single cell.
  22. I'm not familiar with how your providences work, could you sign up in one and use the plan in another?