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Everything posted by SoftwareNinja

  1. Sorry on the delay. I get that but I have tried copying the built files to a directory then adding AdditionalLibraryDirectories to the folder the built items are copied too but still cant locate the file even thought the console states it was copied.
  2. Hello, I've been working on setting up an Azure DevOps pipeline this week, aiming to build C++ and C# Projects from the repository. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to accomplish this successfully yet, as my knowledge of pipelines is somewhat limited. The crucial aspect is ensuring that the pipeline builds the projects in the same order as the Visual Studio Build Settings dictate. For clarity, here's an example of the desired build order: C++ Project C++ Project C# Project C++ Project ... It's important to follow this order as the projects have dependencies on each other as the list progresses. I'm hoping to find assistance from someone experienced in Azure DevOps pipelines to help me achieve this objective and attain a successful build on Pipelines. Current YAML: trigger: - azure-pipelines-second pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' variables: solution: '**/*.sln' buildPlatform: 'Any CPU' buildConfiguration: 'Release' steps: #Installments - script: choco install netfx-4.8 # .NET Framework - script: choco install windows-sdk-10-version-1903-all # Windows SDK - task: NuGetToolInstaller@1 - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: command: 'restore' restoreSolution: '**/*.sln' feedsToUse: 'config' nugetConfigPath: 'NuGet.config' - task: MSBuild@1 displayName: 'Build Proj01' inputs: solution: '$(solution)' platform: 'x86' # configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)' configuration: 'Release' msbuildArguments: '/t:Proj01 /restore' Main Error from this: ##[error]MainSolution\MainProject.vcxproj(0,0): Error MSB4057: The target "Proj01" does not exist in the project.
  3. Thank you so much for your comment, I am getting around to testing if my source from windows will work on Mac using Github right now :)
  4. Hi all, I am a very heavily involved in ASP .NET Core development on Windows Desktop. However, I do own a mac and I use my mac while out and about. Is there a way I can work on the same project between devices?
  5. I have tried the steps there but nothing happens. I asked my admin to take a look and he tried to restart the application pool, nothing. Anytime I redeploy, the site just fixes itself even through its the same files.
  6. Hi all, I have my ASP .NET Core application hosted on a plesk server and randomly, this happened.. Why does this happen? The web app has being running fine for the past 3 weeks then all of a sudden it doesn't?
  7. Hi all, I am working with the google api within an ASP .NET Core project. I am trying to get a full list of nearby places using the pagetoken. However, I keep getting 20 results. If I step through the code, I can get more nearby places, but if I just try access the endpoint, I only get 20. Does anyone know how I can efficently get more nearby places using the pagetoken within an ASP .NET Core endpoint. Thank you. var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var content = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(@"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?key={API_KEY}&location=53.5118546%2C-7.1401565&radius=20000&type=restaurant"); List<Result> results = new List<Result>(); String NEXTPAGE = String.Empty; Root response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(content); NEXTPAGE = response.next_page_token; foreach (var result in response.results) results.Add(result); while (NEXTPAGE != null) { var temp = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(String.Format(@"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?key={API_KEY}&location=53.5118546%2C-7.1401565&radius=20000&type=restaurant&pagetoken={0}", NEXTPAGE)); Root newresponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(temp); foreach (var result in newresponse.results) results.Add(result); NEXTPAGE = newresponse.next_page_token; } return results;
  8. I also tried this (Works locally): var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider(); provider.Mappings[""] = "application/x-msdownload"; app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions { FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ".well-known")), RequestPath = "/.well-known", ContentTypeProvider = provider, ServeUnknownFileTypes = true });
  9. So I tried adding that use static files. The error message I get with 404.17 is this: "If you want to serve this content as a static file, add an explicit MIME map." Any idea how I can do this? Url end point is ".../.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association"
  10. Hi all, Hopefully someone might be able to help me with this. I am trying to verify my website domain for Stripe Apple Payments but everytime I try to read the file at ".../.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" I get an error 404.17. Can any ASP .NET Core gurus help me with what web.config code I might need to get this working? if I place a text file at the .well-known directory, it can be read no problem. Just seem to have a problem with the apple merchantid. Thank you in advance.
  11. That’s no problem but from my badly worded question. This can be done with stripe? I’ll definitely checkout all the documentation.
  12. Hi all, just wondering if anyone would be able to point me into the right direction with stripe. I’m currently planning out the build of idea I came up with. Part of this platform is that users can accept payments through it. How can I go about getting my users paid through the platform using stripe (or alternative gateway)?
  13. Could you do 3p authentication to create an account for authorization? then when they use 3p to sign in, it checks their email against the DB and logs them in as their user? a bit complicated but just something I’m thinking of.
  14. A bit late with the reply here but thank you for your advice
  15. Yeah so i'm defo not trying to make a clone of these massive platform, I just need some third party tool that can accept payments (for topping up their account) and withdraw that money back from the third party to a persons bank account.
  16. Thank you for that. I will take a look more on this path.
  17. I was just asking if there was a third party solution to avoid all that and do the heavy lifting to just make the app work.. Thanks for your input...
  18. Hi all, I am posting to ask for a recommended third party website for a P2P payments system. I'd like to create something along the lines of Venmo where users can top up their accounts and use the available funds to send to another user. I have used stripe in the past for taking payments but for this project I want to create will allows users to withdraw money to their bank accounts. Any recommendations would be great. Thanks.
  19. Hi all, I have being using ASP .NET Core for a while now but anytime I go to make a web app, I use identity for the user accounts. Right now I am building a brand new mobile app and I have the functionality backend done but for the user accounts I'm wondering if I should identity also? Is identity the right way to go for this or should I just create my own Users table and build the logic for creating users and logging in? Looking for any information that can point me in the right direction for my apps api.
  20. Sorry for the late reply mate. I decided to host my own web server and custom api with an sql database instead haha Thank you thought!
  21. Hi all, I recently started learning Flutter & the video I was watching used the Notion API to get records from the database. However, I was wondering if anyone has added records to the database using the API? As I want to have my expenses app add records to the Notion Database. I've tried reading the documentation but I found it hard to follow. If anyone has an example posting data to the Notion API, please do share. Thank you in advance.
  22. I'm also not sure of the "&#39; &#39;" within the procedure.
  23. So these are some of the issues I think are present in the SP.] The H.id should be c.id When creating the nicknames I feel it should be "from vwPersons AS p" appose to "from vwPersons p". Same applies to the other nicknames just to make it stand out more. Some of the Syntax words are lower case rather than upper case i.e. from, on, as, procedure etc, etc. As for performance increasing and or errors, i'm not entirely sure.
  24. Completely agree with you but stored procedures is something I have only started looking at. Would you be able to point me in a direction to fully understand this?