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I finally got my sat score... I did alright 

  1. Tech_Dreamer
  2. RGProductions


    The more I think about it the more satisfied I am with my score (1400), but also I wanna take it again and see how much I can do if I actually study, considering I did zero review this time. I’m not pressuring myself academically much anymore I’m just excited to see what I can do

  3. RGProductions


    Yeah it’s super good I’m just desensitized at first because I’m around so many successful people getting 1500+ their first try 

  4. RGProductions


    I got 700 math and 700 English. I think the 700 on English is pretty near the best I can do, but I think if I reviewed some geometry and a little bit of algebra I could get better on math so my realistic stretch goal as of now is like 710ish English 740ish math and I think I might actually be able to do that 

  5. RGProductions


    Oh totally! Academics is the area that I push myself in, like the way some people push themself in a sport or in a ranked game or something like that. It’s just sort of always been my thing, and I really don’t pressure or stress myself on tests and I’m so lucky to feel that way

  6. D.U.F.F.


    Does this mean that your future is not on McDonald's
