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  1. colonel_mortis


    You are a Natural (real) person, while a company is a Legal person.

  2. Murasaki


    Ah I see, never seen those in english before so was confused, thanks

  3. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    Which one are you? 

  4. Murasaki


    I'm --- Choose --- obviously

  5. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    I liked when on SoundCloud they first had gender. Either "custom, male or female" 

  6. Murasaki


    I sexually identify as a Modal Dialog

  7. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    I identify has a BONE LESS PIZZA

  8. Jtalk4456


    I identify as a "BAKA"

  9. Murasaki
  10. Beef Boss
  11. Jtalk4456


    I'm not a weeb, but I love to make fun of the weeb memes. They're too much fun
