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Taf the Ghost

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Posts posted by Taf the Ghost

  1. 8 hours ago, porina said:

    IANAL Being a monopoly in itself is not illegal. It's abusing the position that is. I had anti-trust training at a past company, who didn't want to become hit by such. They were the dominant player in a particular niche and it was a very nice earner. Think professional products where you get higher margin. Not consumer tier flashy stuff. So they advised on behaviours that could be negatively interpreted and should be avoided.


    At the end of the day it will be up to DOJ to collect sufficient evidence that laws are broken.

    A monopoly or near monopoly can actually create a very efficient market. The issue isn't really the monopoly part, it's either how they got there or what they end up doing. The primary issue is you always have to hire people and abusing power is a people problem. Which is the reason countries with representative governments have anti-trust laws.

  2. A friend's dad bought one of those 3 color projectors from government surplus when I was a kid. Can confirm it took a very, very long time to get them adjusted. And you still got some fringing/artifacting because they weren't perfectly aligned across the entire surface. You sort of had to pick your poison and couldn't have it be too big.


    I can also confirm that projectors were the way to play 4-player games on consoles.  Having a chance to play them on a large auditorium's setup was damn fun.

  3. 8 hours ago, RejZoR said:

    Except it doesn't. It's full of dumb glitches and it has been this way for basically 20 years. I had a  Menu takes forever to open, graphic settings description is overlapped by settings so you need to scroll it just right to see setting description, the menu resets to the top every time you select/change anything, when you apply it flashes several times and takes like 3 seconds to apply. On a modern system with cores, RAM and SSD speeds to throw around. Not to mention it's clumsy to use.


    I'd have less of an issue if NVIDIA just made it more responsive and glitch free even if it looked the same. But I had that opinion some 15 years ago. Been demanding total redesign for like a decade.

    It's been so long that everyone forgets the Control Panel has been slow & laggy the entire time. It's never been a smooth experience. And, man, if you had a weak card that didn't load something properly, even into the late 2010s, was it a chore to try to fix anything.  I never had too much of an issue with the interface itself (it was functional enough), but the hanging and the lag. It was like playing a shooter at 2 FPS. If you had something you had to tweak a few times to figure out the issue, enjoy the hanging and the frustration.  (In some ways it was worse back when it was in the same design as everything else, so then it just came across as incredibly incompetent coding.)

  4. "AI" has become "In the cloud" of this era.  They're adding a better, more robust Search Feature. That's all this era of "AI" is for the end user.  I used to like AI stuff a lot more when it was applied to interesting tasks.  We've enter the phase of "we're adding this feature because Google's click through payments aren't good anymore".

  5. 3 hours ago, porina said:

    Battlemage seems the obvious choice. It should be releasing soon and would be well mature by the time the next console gen comes out. I debated if Celestial could be an option too but would probably be pushing timescales.

    While I'd agree with this thought, I imagine Xbox's first question would be "and, on what node is that going to be?". haha

  6. I'm going to take this as Xbox has in the last 6 months put out the design layout they'd like for their next console stack to the few companies that could possibly probably provide the core hardware. I think this got out because someone at Intel was just happy to be included in the list.


    Still not sure where Intel would get the tightly packaged GPU that'd be needed.

  7. 18 hours ago, tkitch said:

    how do you figure?
    TSMC has a total market valuation of like 1/10th of that?  

    Or would he be trying to build something on a scale to dwarf TSMC and Intel combined?


    I mentioned if he wanted to make an entirely new Fab industry. That'd require building a completely parallel system that, even with licensing, would need to invest R&D to the tune of a trillion USD. Duplicating the most advanced supply chain of the most advanced production lines in Human History is really, really expensive. A big build out of new Fabs over a decade would cover most of that first 1 Trillion USD.

  8. Anything that goes negative against atmospheric pressure was always never going to be worth the trouble as a large scale project.


    But the fact people were even trying was just a sign of the massive amount of money being thrown at new technology in that period. Near 0% interest rates does stupid things to investment ideas.

  9. 1 hour ago, RejZoR said:

    Is there really a loss here if 99% of said "gaming industry" are games with absolutely ridiculous "extras" pricing for which you're pressured to use on all ends or be forced to grind to a "no life" extent if you go with free approach? Yeah, I think not.

    While a loss of Gacha games isn't bad, collapsing an industry has major knock-on effects to the rest of the industry. Especially with some of Tencent's holdings around the globe.

  10. 20 minutes ago, RejZoR said:

    This is just because they couldn't justify all the gamer girls flashing tits and literal vags around and not being banned for more than 1 week while all the male streamers were getting permanent suspensions for far less vulgar crap. So they rang up a platoon of lawyers and cooked up something that can justify nudity and not being too vulgar to become OnlyFans 2.0.

    I'm a little surprised some version of "Bubbling" hadn't shown up sooner. Human visual information processing fills in information, so if you have the camera in such a way as not show any clothes, the mind will fill in the rest.  That's what set off this entirely hilarious current cycle of things.

  11. 1 hour ago, Lunar River said:

    Sooooo, how do they think people will "work" in their sleep? They know dreaming is completely disjointed from reality don't they? If i write a masters thesis in my dream, I don't then suddenly wake up with it on my desk.


    If I could lucid dream on command I could think of infinite other things id rather do than "work"

    It strikes me more like a bad The Matrix ripoff concept.  Minus the fact this seems like VC funding bait that'll blow up, like nearly all of the rest of them.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Skipple said:

    I'm somewhat surprised, given the type and gravity of the data they collect, they aren't regulated like any other medical industry. 

    Good question, though I can see reasons it wouldn't be covered. It's not a test for medical reasons but information gathering purposes.


    Still, I've never seen a company operating as a function of dystopian movie plot is a good idea.  And given the massive amount of marketing money spent always raised a bit too many red flags. It's not as bad as the Fake Meat industry, but the non-anonymized data like this a pretty terrible thing.  Oh look, it'll now be completely out in the wild.

  13. 1 hour ago, starsmine said:

    Im confused why korea is so expensive, I thought they were known for their solid infrastructure. 


    SKT1 is the number one league team in the world, a Korean Telecom. 

    Government regulations. The ISPs basically wanted to double dip for bandwidth costs. At the consumer and the data provider end. Probably more focused on extracting money from Netflix. Naver might also be launching a competitor to Netflix soon, which will likely get preferential treatment.


    It's far more a case of overly protectionist economics more than anything else.

  14. 8 minutes ago, aaronisnotded said:

    How would i go about fixing the drivers? I'm seeing 4 different drivers in Keyboards, and this isn't a popular brand keyboard which has its own drivers 😞


    How many keyboards do you have installed? Could delete those and use the refresh function, then install it. I'd also look up info on your keyboard to see if there's a special driver for it.


    There's also a small chance your keyboard is actually operating like a spyware device and that's actually the issue. But that's long down the list of things.

  15. 16 minutes ago, aaronisnotded said:

    damn T-T


    is it not possible at all for it to be the PSU?

    If a PSU is going, the graphics driver is normally the first thing to crash under load, unless the system crashes.  You could upgrade your PSU if you truly want to, but it's more likely a driver first, keyboard issue second or the controller/connector on the board third.

  16. 13 minutes ago, aaronisnotded said:

    keyboard is USB. It only started doing this recently and with the mechanical keyboard, no other keyboard, though it's my first mechanical keyboard.. I think it's on USB 3 ports.

    Well, test it in different USB slots, if available. If there's really only 1 slot it can work in, you need to test it on a different computer. It could be your USB 3 setup (connector, traces or even controller) isn't functional and you didn't know until you tried the keyboard. Could also try re-installing the USB drivers. If the keyboard has special software, that might also be the culprit.

  17. What is the actual damage? Because there's actually not a lot that should produce that much smoke unless you truly ignited something on the board or in your PSU.


    Also, realistically, you have to do a dry cloth wipe down and still give the iso time to dry. Though, realistically, something should have shorted and the PSU should have cut out, unless you ignited something on the surface rather than bridged connections.


    Pictures help a lot.
