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It took a while but I think I finally finished setting up the new GNU/Linux server. Doing everything CLI-only is only a PITA until you learn the commands. After that it is so much faster and easier to automate vs a GUI. CLI 10/10 do recommend.


Got my ZFS pool online:

# Output of: zpool status

pool: storage
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0 days 01:37:26 with 0 errors on Sun Sep 13 02:01:27 2020

	storage     ONLINE       0     0     0
	  raidz2-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sda     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdb     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdj     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdk     ONLINE       0     0     0
	  raidz2-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdl     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdm     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdn     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdo     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdp     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdq     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdr     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sds     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdt     ONLINE       0     0     0
	    sdu     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

A twenty drive 960GB SSD RAID60 with physical room for up to 20 more SSDs. 😎


Total capacity:

storage  17.4T  12.7T  4.72T        -         -     0%    72%  1.00x    ONLINE  -

Now this doesn't count what I lose to resiliency.


All of my Datasets:

# Output of: zfs list

NAME                      USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
storage/3D Printer       2.87G  3.18T     2.87G  /storage/3D Printer
storage/Custom Software  34.2M  3.18T     33.1M  /storage/Custom Software
storage/Music            3.15G  3.18T     3.15G  /storage/Music
storage/Pictures         1.60G  3.18T     1.60G  /storage/Pictures
storage/Proxmox           275G  3.18T      275G  /storage/Proxmox
storage/Software          303G  3.18T      303G  /storage/Software
storage/Videos           9.12T  3.18T     9.12T  /storage/Videos
storage/users             446M  3.18T      446M  /storage/users
# Output of: df -H

Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
storage/3D Printer       3.5T  3.1G  3.5T   1% /storage/3D Printer
storage/users            3.5T  468M  3.5T   1% /storage/users
storage/Music            3.5T  3.4G  3.5T   1% /storage/Music
storage/Custom Software  3.5T   35M  3.5T   1% /storage/Custom Software
storage/Videos            14T   11T  3.5T  75% /storage/Videos
storage/Software         3.9T  326G  3.5T   9% /storage/Software
storage/Pictures         3.5T  1.8G  3.5T   1% /storage/Pictures
storage/Proxmox          3.8T  296G  3.5T   8% /storage/Proxmox
# Output of: ls -l /storage/

drwxr-xr-x 11 username username 10 Sep  8 10:42 '3D Printer'
drwxr-xr-x  5 username username  4 Sep  8 10:42 'Custom Software'
drwxr-xr-x 12 username username 11 Sep  8 10:43  Music
drwxr-xr-x 14 username username 20 Sep  8 10:44  Pictures
drwxr-xr-x  8 username username  7 Sep 13 23:58  Proxmox
drwxr-xr-x 47 username username 51 Sep  8 12:08  Software
drwxr-xr-x  4 username username  3 Sep  8 12:08  users
drwxr-xr-x  9 username username 10 Sep  8 12:42  Videos

Size/Available capacity/Used capacity is all sorts of messed up. I think that's because I didn't set storage limits on the Datasets so they all just report it the same. storage/Videos does report the true usable storage correctly though. I have 14TiB of usable SSD storage. That's a lot of SSD :D.


Setting up periodic snapshots was easy enough. What was a pain was looking up a way of deleting them after a certain period:

Output of: zfs list -t snapshot

NAME                                 USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
storage/3D Printer@09-14-2020        238K      -     2.87G  -
storage/3D Printer@09-15-2020        238K      -     2.87G  -
storage/3D Printer@09-16-2020        238K      -     2.87G  -
storage/Custom Software@09-14-2020   548K      -     33.1M  -
storage/Custom Software@09-15-2020   548K      -     33.1M  -
storage/Custom Software@09-16-2020   548K      -     33.1M  -
storage/Music@09-14-2020             146K      -     3.15G  -
storage/Music@09-15-2020             146K      -     3.15G  -
storage/Music@09-16-2020             146K      -     3.15G  -
storage/Pictures@09-14-2020          219K      -     1.60G  -
storage/Pictures@09-15-2020          219K      -     1.60G  -
storage/Pictures@09-16-2020          219K      -     1.60G  -
storage/Software@09-14-2020         8.27M      -      303G  -
storage/Software@09-15-2020         8.27M      -      303G  -
storage/Software@09-16-2020          347K      -      303G  -
storage/Videos@09-14-2020           1.52M      -     9.03T  -
storage/Videos@09-15-2020           1.36M      -     9.10T  -
storage/Videos@09-16-2020              0B      -     9.12T  -
storage/users@09-14-2020             201K      -      446M  -
storage/users@09-15-2020             183K      -      446M  -
storage/users@09-16-2020               0B      -      446M  -
# Entry in: crontab -e

# Runs Snapshot task at midnight every night for several ZFS Datasets.
0 23 * * * /home/username/snapshot.script
# Output of: cat snapshot.script



$zfs snapshot -r storage/'3D Printer'@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/'Custom Software'@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/Music@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/Pictures@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/Software@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/users@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
$zfs snapshot -r storage/Videos@`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`

$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/3D Printer@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/Custom Software@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/Music@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/Pictures@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/Software@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/users@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r
$zfs list -t snapshot -o name | $grep "storage/Videos@*" | $sort -r | $sed 1,30d | $xargs -n 1 $zfs destroy -r

Now I know I should have used variables here and I could have gotten it done with a pair of For Loops but I don't know the scripting syntax all that well so doing the wrong way for now. Might fix it later if I find the time.


Setting up SAMBA (SMB/CIFS) was really easy:

# Output of: testparm

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/3D Printer/
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Custom Software/
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Music
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Pictures
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Software
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/users
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Videos
	read only = No
	valid users = username

	guest ok = Yes
	path = /storage/Proxmox
	read only = No
	valid users = username

Each of these show up as a separate network share that I can mount however I see fit.


Lastly setting up backup tasks also took some time:

# Entries in: crontab -e

# Runs RSYNC over SSH storage backup task for Onsite Backup
0 23 * * * /home/username/backup-onsite.script

# Runs RSYNC over SSH storage backup task for Offsite Backup
0 23 * * * /home/username/backup-offsite.script

For backup I've used RSYNC over SSH using password-less public/private key authentication so it can remote in securely without my intervention.

# Output of: cat backup-onsite.script


#This script backs up the primary storage pool to the Onsite Backup Storage Server via RSYNC & SSH.
rsync -avzhP --exclude-from=/home/username/exclusion_list.txt -e 'ssh -p 22 -i .ssh/onsite' --log-file=/home/username/onsite-logs/backup-`date +”%F-%I%p”`.log /storage/ username@
# Output of: cat backup-offsite.script


#This script backs up the primary storage pool to the Offsite Backup Storage Server via RSYNC & SSH.
rsync -avzhP --exclude-from=/home/username/exclusion_list.txt -e 'ssh -p 22 -i .ssh/offsite' --log-file=/home/username/offsite-logs/backup-`date +”%F-%I%p”`.log /storage/ username@

For the time being the offsite backup server is located on the LAN but eventually I'll swap out it's Private IP for either a Dynamic DNS address or the Public IP of a offsite location where I can keep everything save in the event of catastrophe.


Aside from writing myself some helpful scripts for future automation I think we're back up & running with the new OS. :P
