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Everything posted by Forenman

  1. I am trying to set up a non-air router(switching from my ISP F2000 router) to the netgear R8000 unfortunately when i connect the router up the internet light stays orange. I have tried advanced settings and entering the username which is eir@eir.ie and password:broadband1. These are apparently provided by the ISP apparently to use with the router as SSiop. The F2000 router when plugged in the same way works perfectly. I even ran just an Ethernet cable from the old ISP router to the Netgear box and no result the same problem with no internet connection. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I want the main function to call the error callback with the error code then display it
  3. #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> void SError(int); void WriteFile(void(*functionPtr)(int));/* Parameter is function pointer */ int BinaryWriteToFile(void); void main(void) { void(*functionPtr)(int); functionPtr = SError; WriteFile(functionPtr); } void SError(int errorNum) { static char*err[] = { "Cannot Open File\n", "Read Error\n", "Write Error\n"}; puts(err[errorNum]); } void WriteFile(void(*errorFunction) (int)) { int error = BinaryWriteToFile(); if(error)errorFunction(error); } int BinaryWriteToFile(void) { int errorCode = 2;// Fictitiousdisk occurred, report for logging to file via SError... return errorCode; } I want to be able to modify the call-back example,by inserting pointer parameter into the arguments lists of the function calls as required,to return the error-message test to main(). Display the error-message text on-screen in main()before terminating the program. But i am really struggling with where to start etc. Can someone point anything out to me?
  4. any hint on the other mistakes XD
  5. #include <stdio.h> struct examResults { char title[20]; unsigned int score[20]; }; myExam; int main() { strcpy(myExam.title, "ClassA"); myExam.score[1] = 20; myExam.score[17] = 69; struct examresults newexamresults[15]; strcpy(newexamresults[5].title, "ClassB"); strcpy(newexamresults[7].title, "ClassC"); newexamresults[6].score[9] = 5; newexamresults[6].score[18] = 10; newexamresults[12].score[9] = 50; newexamresults[12].score[18] = 100; printf("%s\n", myExam.title); printf("%d\n", myExam.score[1]); printf("%d\n\n", myExam.score[17]); printf("%s\n", newexamresults[5].title); printf("%d\n", newexamresults[6].score[9]); printf("%d\n\n", newexamresults[6].score[18]); printf("%s\n", newexamresults[7].title); printf("%d\n", newexamresults[12].score[9]); printf("%d\n", newexamresults[12].score[18]); } I keep getting incomplete type error for "newexamresults", does anyone have any idea how to rectify this?
  6. Hi guys just checking if i have this done correctly, or if their is something i need to change before continuing #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { struct examResults { char title[20]; unsigned int score[20]; const int myExam[17]; myExam[0] = 62; myExam[17] = 80; }; }
  7. I change that their and im still getting the same error
  8. #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { double y; double x, a, b, c, result; printf("Enter value for y: \n"); scanf_s("%lf", &y); getchar(); { switch (y) { case (y > 0 & y <= 10): printf("y is equal or greater than 0 and smaller than 10"); break; case (y >= 11 & y <=20 ): printf("y is equal or greater than 11 and smaller than 20"); break; case (y >= 21 & y <= 30): printf("y is equal or greater than 21 and smaller than 30"); break; case (y >= 31 & y <= 40): printf("y is equal or greater than 31 and smaller than 40"); break; case (y >= 41 & y <= 50): printf("y is equal or greater than 41 and smaller than 50"); break; case (y >= 51 & y <= 60): printf("y is equal or greater than 51 and smaller than 60"); break; default: printf("Invalid number\n"); } } printf("\n Enter value for X:"); //Gets vlaue for x scanf_s("%lf", &x); //Reads in value for x getchar(); //Waits for input printf("Enter value for A:"); scanf_s("%lf", &a); getchar(); printf("Enter value for B:"); scanf_s("%lf", &b); getchar(); printf("Enter value for C:"); scanf_s("%lf", &c); getchar(); result = (a * pow(x, 2)) + (b * x) + c; } The code keeps throwing an error in visual studio "Expression must have a constant value". Any ideas how to rectify this?
  9. Hi im having trouble getting my case function to work. I enter a number between 0-60 and it is meant to return a @your number is greater than x but less than y. It has to be done with switch statemtents but i dont know how to make this function. I am incrementing my for loop and trying to get it to work that way. Any ideas? #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { int y; double x, a, b, c, result; printf("Enter value for y: \n"); scanf_s("%lf", &y); getchar(); int counter; int min; int max; for (counter = 0; counter < 6; counter++) { // Incraments if statments up to 60 min = counter * 10; // Multiplys counter by 10 max = (counter + 1) * 10; // Allows counter up to 60 if (y >= min && y < max) // If statement for if its between 0<60 { switch (y) { case 'A': printf("y is equal or greater than %d and smaller than %d", min, max); break; case 'B': printf("y is equal or greater than %d and smaller than %d", min, max); break; case 'C': printf("y is equal or greater than %d and smaller than %d", min, max); break; case 'D': printf("y is equal or greater than %d and smaller than %d", min, max); break; case 'F': printf("y is equal or greater than %d and smaller than %d", min, max); break; default: printf("Invalid number\n"); } } } printf("\n Enter value for X:"); //Gets vlaue for x scanf_s("%lf", &x); //Reads in value for x getchar(); //Waits for input printf("Enter value for A:"); scanf_s("%lf", &a); getchar(); printf("Enter value for B:"); scanf_s("%lf", &b); getchar(); printf("Enter value for C:"); scanf_s("%lf", &c); getchar(); result = (a * pow(x, 2)) + (b * x) + c; }
  10. #include <stdio.h> void main(void) { int y; double x, a, b, c, result; printf("Enter value for y: \n"); scanf_s("%lf", &y); getchar(); if (y < 60 & y > 51) { printf(" y is less than 10"); } else if (y <= 50 & y > 41) { printf(" y is greater than 10 but less than 20"); } else if (y < 40 & y>31) { printf(" y is greater than 10 but less than 20"); } else if (y < 30 & y>21) { printf(" y is greater than 10 but less than 20"); } else if (y < 20 & y>11) { printf(" y is greater than 10 but less than 20"); } else if (y < 10 & y> 0) { printf(" y is greater than 10 but less than 20"); } printf("\n Enter value for X:"); //Gets vlaue for x scanf_s("%lf", &x); //Reads in value for x getchar(); //Waits for input printf("Enter value for A:"); scanf_s("%lf", &a); getchar(); printf("Enter value for B:"); scanf_s("%lf", &b); getchar(); printf("Enter value for C:"); scanf_s("%lf", &c); getchar(); result = (a * pow(x, 2)) + (b * x) + c; return(result); } I cant seem to get any of my if statements to print no matter what value I use. I am also aware i can do it incrementaly but that is not allowed in this case. The formula for result also does not work and I am just stuck. Any help appreciated.
  11. I am programming in c and it keeps throwing exceptions. Trying to read in 4 floating point numbers then multiply them in the formula "result = ax^2+bx+c", i don't understand why my code aint working..... i keep getting the exception Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ) Formula C:\Users\james\OneDrive\Documents\Year 4\Object Programing\Formula\Formula\MSVCRTD.lib(exe_main.obj) 1 #include <stdio.h> int function() { double x, a, b, c, result; printf("Enter value for X:"); scanf_s("%lf", &x); printf("Enter value for A:"); scanf_s("%lf", &a); printf("Enter value for B:"); scanf_s("%lf", &b); printf("Enter value for C:"); scanf_s("%lf", &c); result = (a * pow(x,2)) + b * x + c; printf("result is = %lf", result); return(result); }
  12. Hey guys just looking for feedback on my commenting. Its for a school project so just wondering if any more comments are needed or if you'd do anything different. namespace Dataset.App.Wpf { public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase { private Timer _currentTime; // Timer object to trigger every second private int _labelCount; // Count to cycling the label display public MainWindowViewModel() { StartCurrentTime(); // start timer //populate offset list for user selection var units = new List<OffsetUnit>(); foreach (OffsetUnit item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OffsetUnit))) { units.Add(item); } OffsetUnits = units.ToList(); SelectedOffsetUnit = OffsetUnit.Hour; // Select default offset unit as Hour } /// <summary> /// Trigger when browse button is clicked /// </summary> private RelayCommand _BrowseCommand; public ICommand BrowseCommand { get { if (_BrowseCommand == null) _BrowseCommand = new RelayCommand(() => OnBrowse()); return _BrowseCommand; } } /// <summary> /// Pop open dialog windows and allow user to select dataset file /// </summary> private void OnBrowse() { try { var openFileDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Title = "Input file"; openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; var result = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) // If user click okay on open dialog { using (var mystream = openFileDialog.OpenFile()) // try read if file is currently in use, will throw error if file is currently in use { if (mystream != null) FileDirectory = openFileDialog.FileName; // Set file directory to FileDirectory for display on UI } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileDirectory)) // if FileDirectory is empty or null, return return; Datasets = FileFormatHelper.Parse(FileDirectory).ToObservableCollection(); //Parse directory file and assign to dataset if (Datasets.Count == 0) // if dataset parsed with zero count, throw error as file might be invalid format { throw new Exception("There is problem with parsing input file"); } foreach (var item in Datasets) //If dataset is valid, set offset unit to each set by user selected offset value { item.PopulateDates(SelectedOffsetUnit); } SelectedDataset = Datasets.FirstOrDefault(); //Select first set as default OnPlot();//trigger plot update } } catch (Exception e) // if any error above show message box { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } /// <summary> /// Will trigger when validate button is clicked /// </summary> private RelayCommand _ValidateCommand; public ICommand ValidateCommand { get { if (_ValidateCommand == null) _ValidateCommand = new RelayCommand(() => OnValidate()); return _ValidateCommand; } } private void OnValidate() { var validatingResult = FileFormatHelper.Validate(FileDirectory); //Parse directory file and perform validation if (validatingResult.Item1) // show messagebox base on validation result { MessageBox.Show("Validation success. No missing datasets", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Validation Fail. " + validatingResult.Item2, "Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } /// <summary> /// trigger when generate plot is clicked /// </summary> private RelayCommand _PlotCommand; public ICommand PlotCommand { get { if (_PlotCommand == null) _PlotCommand = new RelayCommand(() => OnPlot()); return _PlotCommand; } } private void OnPlot() //Plot selected dataset { PopulatePlot(SelectedDataset); } /// <summary> /// Trigger when export button is clicked /// </summary> private RelayCommand _ExportCommand; public ICommand ExportCommand { get { if (_ExportCommand == null) _ExportCommand = new RelayCommand(() => OnExport()); return _ExportCommand; } } /// <summary> /// popup savefiledialog and prompt user with export file option /// </summary> private void OnExport() { var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.Title = "Export Dataset"; dlg.DefaultExt = ".txt"; dlg.Filter = "Text (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; //filter files by extension dlg.FileName = "Dataset"; var result = dlg.ShowDialog(); //Show dialog if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.FileName)) return; var exportText = FileFormatHelper.Export(this.Datasets.ToList()); //get export string from file format helper File.WriteAllText(dlg.FileName, exportText); //Write file Process.Start(dlg.FileName); //Open file } } /// <summary> /// trigger when exit is clicked /// </summary> private RelayCommand _ExitCommand; public ICommand ExitCommand { get { if (_ExitCommand == null) _ExitCommand = new RelayCommand(() => OnExit()); return _ExitCommand; } } private void OnExit() { System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown(); } /// <summary> /// Initiate timer object and refresh every 1000 millisecond /// </summary> private void StartCurrentTime() { _currentTime = new Timer(); _currentTime.Interval = 1000; // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. _currentTime.Elapsed += OnCurrentTimeEvent; // Have the timer fire repeated events (true is the default) _currentTime.AutoReset = true; // Start the timer _currentTime.Enabled = true; _currentTime.Start(); } /// <summary> /// Elapsed event to trigger update of current time. If dataset is loaded also update cycling of the label /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OnCurrentTimeEvent(Object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CurrentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); if (Datasets != null && Datasets.Count > 0) { var currentIndex = _labelCount % Datasets.Count; var dataset = Datasets[currentIndex]; DatasetTimerInfo = string.Format("Dataset: {0}, Creation Time: {1}", dataset.Title, dataset.RecordingDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")); _labelCount++; } }); } /// <summary> /// Populating dataset plot /// </summary> /// <param name="setName">Name of dataset to plot, if missing method is return with no action</param> public void PopulatePlot(string setName) { var ds = Datasets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == setName); if (ds != null) PopulatePlot(ds); } /// <summary> /// Populating dataset plot /// </summary> /// <param name="ds">dataset to plot</param> public void PopulatePlot(DatasetObject ds) { if (ds == null) return; Model = ds.GetPlotModel(SelectedPlotOption); } /// <summary> /// List of offset unit for user selection /// </summary> private List<OffsetUnit> _OffsetUnits; public List<OffsetUnit> OffsetUnits { get { return _OffsetUnits; } set { if (value == _OffsetUnits) return; _OffsetUnits = value; RaisePropertyChanged("OffsetUnits"); } } /// <summary> /// Current selection of offset unit /// </summary> private OffsetUnit _SelectedOffsetUnit; public OffsetUnit SelectedOffsetUnit { get { return _SelectedOffsetUnit; } set { if (value == _SelectedOffsetUnit) return; _SelectedOffsetUnit = value; if (Datasets != null) foreach (var item in Datasets) { item.PopulateDates(SelectedOffsetUnit); } OnPlot(); RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedOffsetUnit"); } } /// <summary> /// Current user selected plot type /// </summary> private PlotOption _SelectedPlotOption; public PlotOption SelectedPlotOption { get { return _SelectedPlotOption; } set { if (value == _SelectedPlotOption) return; _SelectedPlotOption = value; OnPlot(); RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedPlotOption"); } } /// <summary> /// Time label display on UI /// </summary> private string _CurrentTime; public string CurrentTime { get { return _CurrentTime; } set { if (value == _CurrentTime) return; _CurrentTime = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CurrentTime"); } } /// <summary> /// Plot Model to be binded with oxyplot graph /// </summary> private PlotModel _Model; public PlotModel Model { get { return _Model; } set { if (value == _Model) return; _Model = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Model"); } } /// <summary> /// Label of cycling dataset display on UI /// </summary> private string _DatasetTimerInfo; public string DatasetTimerInfo { get { return _DatasetTimerInfo; } set { if (value == _DatasetTimerInfo) return; _DatasetTimerInfo = value; RaisePropertyChanged("DatasetTimerInfo"); } } /// <summary> /// Current selection of dataset /// </summary> private DatasetObject _SelectedDataset; public DatasetObject SelectedDataset { get { return _SelectedDataset; } set { if (value == _SelectedDataset) return; _SelectedDataset = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedDataset"); } } /// <summary> /// List of current imported datasets /// </summary> private ObservableCollection<DatasetObject> _Datasets; public ObservableCollection<DatasetObject> Datasets { get { return _Datasets; } set { if (value == _Datasets) return; _Datasets = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Datasets"); } } /// <summary> /// Current selected importfile directory /// </summary> private string _FileDirectory; public string FileDirectory { get { return _FileDirectory; } set { if (value == _FileDirectory) return; _FileDirectory = value; RaisePropertyChanged("FileDirectory"); } } } public class DatasetObject : ObservableObject { /// <summary> /// if filtering is enabled /// </summary> private bool _IsFiltering; public bool IsFiltering { get { return _IsFiltering; } set { if (value == _IsFiltering) return; _IsFiltering = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsFiltering"); } } //These properties assist with filtering if filtering is perform by value instead of date /// <summary> /// Is filter by value lowerbound /// </summary> private bool _IsLowerBound; public bool IsLowerBound { get { return _IsLowerBound; } set { if (value == _IsLowerBound) return; _IsLowerBound = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsLowerBound"); } } /// <summary> /// Is filter by value upperbound /// </summary> private bool _IsUpperBound; public bool IsUpperBound { get { return _IsUpperBound; } set { if (value == _IsUpperBound) return; _IsUpperBound = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsUpperBound"); } } /// <summary> /// value of lower bound /// </summary> private double _LowerBoundValue; public double LowerBoundValue { get { return _LowerBoundValue; } set { if (value == _LowerBoundValue) return; _LowerBoundValue = value; RaisePropertyChanged("LowerBoundValue"); } } /// <summary> /// value of upper bound /// </summary> private double _UpperBoundValue; public double UpperBoundValue { get { return _UpperBoundValue; } set { if (value == _UpperBoundValue) return; _UpperBoundValue = value; RaisePropertyChanged("UpperBoundValue"); } } /// <summary> /// current selection of filtering date /// </summary> private DateTime _SelectedFilteredDate; public DateTime SelectedFilteredDate { get { return _SelectedFilteredDate; } set { if (value == _SelectedFilteredDate) return; _SelectedFilteredDate = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedFilteredDate"); } } /// <summary> /// list of dates for user to choose filtering date /// </summary> private List<DateTime> _Dates; public List<DateTime> Dates { get { return _Dates; } set { if (value == _Dates) return; _Dates = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Dates"); } } /// <summary> /// Name of the dataset /// </summary> private string _Title; public string Title { get { return _Title; } set { if (value == _Title) return; _Title = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Title"); } } /// <summary> /// Initial recoring time /// </summary> private DateTime _RecordingDateTime; public DateTime RecordingDateTime { get { return _RecordingDateTime; } set { if (value == _RecordingDateTime) return; _RecordingDateTime = value; RaisePropertyChanged("RecordingDateTime"); } } /// <summary> /// offset value /// </summary> private double _SampleOffset; public double SampleOffset { get { return _SampleOffset; } set { if (value == _SampleOffset) return; _SampleOffset = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SampleOffset"); } } /// <summary> /// data of the set /// </summary> private List<double> _Datas; public List<double> Datas { get { return _Datas; } set { if (value == _Datas) return; _Datas = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Datas"); } } /// <summary> /// Get PlotModel to be bind to oxyplot /// </summary> /// <param name="pltOption"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PlotModel GetPlotModel(PlotOption pltOption)//, bool resetOffset { //get boundary filter by value var bound = GetBoundFilter(); if (!double.IsNaN(bound.Item2) && bound.Item1 > bound.Item2) // check if user input boundary is valid { MessageBox.Show("Lower bound cannot be greater than upper bound", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return null; } var datasTuples = ProcessLowerUpperBoundSeries(bound); //Process filter by value, not active by default datasTuples = ProcessPlotOptionSeries(datasTuples, pltOption); // Process series base on user plot type selection var tmpModel = new PlotModel { Title = Title, LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside }; //set title for plot and placement of legend var series = new LineSeries { Title = Title, MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle }; // set title for series and marker type var dateTimeAxis = new DateTimeAxis(); // set xaxis to date dateTimeAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom; dateTimeAxis.Key = "dateTimeAxis"; tmpModel.Axes.Add(dateTimeAxis); // add axis object to plot for (int i = 0; i < datasTuples.Count; i++) { if (datasTuples.Item1 >= GetFilterDate()) //perform filter by date series.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(datasTuples.Item1), datasTuples.Item2)); //add plot point to graph } tmpModel.Series.Add(series); //add series to graph return tmpModel; } /// <summary> /// Get filtered serie /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List<Tuple<DateTime, double>> GetFilteredSeries() { var serie = ProcessLowerUpperBoundSeries(GetBoundFilter()); //Process filter by value, filter is not active by default return serie.Where(x=>x.Item1 >= GetFilterDate()).ToList(); // process filter by date } /// <summary> /// Perform filtering of data series with value boundary /// </summary> /// <param name="LowerUpperBound">boundary object Tuple<double,double></param> /// <returns></returns> private List<Tuple<DateTime, double>> ProcessLowerUpperBoundSeries(Tuple<double, double> LowerUpperBound) { var lowerbound = !double.IsNaN(LowerUpperBound.Item1) ? LowerUpperBound.Item1 : double.NegativeInfinity; // if lower bound not set to negative infinit var upperbound = !double.IsNaN(LowerUpperBound.Item2) ? LowerUpperBound.Item2 : double.PositiveInfinity; // if lower bound not set to positive infinit var datasTuples = new List<Tuple<DateTime, double>>(); for (int i = 0; i < Datas.Count; i++) { if (Datas >= lowerbound && Datas <= upperbound) // If data pass the bound add to list { var offsetTime = Dates; datasTuples.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, double>(offsetTime, Datas)); } } return datasTuples; // return filtered value } /// <summary> /// Processing series point based on user selection /// </summary> /// <param name="serie">Original serie</param> /// <param name="pltOption">Selected Option</param> /// <returns></returns> private List<Tuple<DateTime,double>> ProcessPlotOptionSeries(List<Tuple<DateTime,double>> serie,PlotOption pltOption) { switch (pltOption) { case PlotOption.Normal: return serie; case PlotOption.ThreePointsMovingAverage: return ThreePointMovingAverage.Process(serie); case PlotOption.WhiteNoise: return WhiteNoiseHelper.Process(serie); case PlotOption.Cumulative: return CumulativeHelper.Process(serie); default: return new List<Tuple<DateTime, double>>(); } } /// <summary> /// Calculating offset from recording date and offset index with unit of offset /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <param name="i"></param> /// <param name="unit"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DateTime CalculatingOffset(DateTime dt, int i, OffsetUnit unit) { switch (unit) { case OffsetUnit.Second: return dt.AddSeconds(SampleOffset * i); case OffsetUnit.Hour: return dt.AddHours(SampleOffset * i); case OffsetUnit.Day: return dt.AddDays(SampleOffset * i); case OffsetUnit.Month: return dt.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt32(SampleOffset) * i); default: return dt; } } /// <summary> /// repopulate list filter selection base on new offset unit select /// </summary> /// <param name="unit"></param> public void PopulateDates(OffsetUnit unit) { var result = new List<DateTime>(); for (int i = 0; i < Datas.Count; i++) { result.Add(CalculatingOffset(RecordingDateTime, i, unit)); } Dates = result.ToList(); SelectedFilteredDate = Dates.FirstOrDefault(); //select first of list as default } /// <summary> /// Get bound value if filter is perform by value, inactive by default /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Tuple<double, double> GetBoundFilter() { var lowerValue = double.NaN; var upperValue = double.NaN; if (IsFiltering) { if (IsLowerBound) lowerValue = LowerBoundValue; if (IsUpperBound) upperValue = UpperBoundValue; } return new Tuple<double, double>(lowerValue, upperValue); } /// <summary> /// Get filter date value, if not active date filter will return date minvalue /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private DateTime GetFilterDate() { return IsFiltering ? SelectedFilteredDate : DateTime.MinValue; } } /// <summary> /// Enum for plot type selection /// </summary> public enum PlotOption { Normal, ThreePointsMovingAverage, WhiteNoise, Cumulative, } /// <summary> /// Offset unit for selection /// </summary> public enum OffsetUnit { Second, Hour, Day, Month, } }
  13. @kyleTay There is no issue with the wattage its purely build quality. I know how it feels it could kill hardware later on and cost you more in the long run is all.
  14. That should all check out. But if i was you id spend an extra bit of cash on a slightly better Power supply. Just for yourself. I have had bad experiences with cheap power supply's before. But other than that it all looks good.
  15. Hi try follow these steps it might help? https://appuals.com/fix-windows-cant-communicate-device-resource-primary-dns-server/
  16. Hi there Having a little trouble trying to work out how to read then separate data from a text file. I have we will say 3 datasets like Dataset 1 and 3 pieces of data {Data 1} all separate and i was wondering how do i read these in then bring them together And check that there is the same number of Datasets as data to use?. I have attempted to just separate datasets but cant make it work. Any ideas? its all in c# btw.
  17. If anyone could help with any part of my C# project for college it would be greatly appreciated. I have attempted parts myself but i struggle with C# and its tough for me to work out how to do it to be honest. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  18. I have a lenovo thinkpad and it just wont post. When i power it up the fans spin at max rpm until i force the pc off. I have changed power supply and changed ram slot. Any advice to help fix the pc?.