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  1. Thanks for the info, havent seen to video ( on the train ). Then I hopefully get contacted, since my dayjob is building nodejs backends for international companies
  2. Hi guys, software guy here ( 10 years in the field...). You should also look into remote devs, since this project when scaling will require more then 1-2 guys working on it. I am currently not able to relocate but willing to give advice / tips from my years in building high availability/scaling infrastructures
  3. Well I would use it to crunch numbers and write raytracers on it soo more GFLOPS are always nice :3
  4. It basically is a big pressure NERF, well just make a foam dart for it.
  5. http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/this-shoulder-mounted-net-firing-bazooka-can-down-a-rogue-drone-at-100-meters/#/4 This thing looks pretty futuristic IMHO, and would doubt how precise it is with its trajectory calculations but hey looks like someone got budget for a uber potato cannon and had fun with it
  6. @Slick as I tried to explain here : They use the polarization of the data point as 4th and its "strength" or how big the point is as 5th dimension. Do you have a link to the Verge article since I linked to the research paper and dont know what verge wrote about it.
  7. Ever opened an email, visited a webpage, written a document on your PC? Well then it was on your screen
  8. ALL your data appears on your screen else you could not interact with it as a human.
  9. Hmm did not appear broken while writing. I'll check if there is some formatting black magic going on that I am not aware of. EDIT: Seems to be that there was some broken whitespace stuff going on. Just copy pasted it into a text editor and back et voila.
  10. "5D Data Storage by Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring in Glass" is paper published by Zhang,Gecevicius, Beresna and Kazansky from the Optoelectronics Research Centre from the University of Southampton. They claim to have achieved a data density of 360TB per glass disc and a thermal stability up to 1000 deg. C. The data is stored using a 3D data-layout (think minecraft for bits) and using polarization as the 4th and the strength of the burned point as the 5th dimension. But : The Paper is full of buzzwords and vague in a few parts but it seems like a new research direction has been kicked off for the big storage companies. Link to the Paper: http://www.orc.soton.ac.uk/fileadmin/downloads/5D_Data_Storage_by_Ultrafast_Laser_Nanostructuring_in_Glass.pdf
  11. As you may figured it is a promotional project to showcase their "Intelligent Parking Assistent" as they outline in their making off video linked below. Given the size of the sensors and PCB I am curious if they might be able to fit it in a self parking vacuum robot which would then be capable of running completely autonomous ( starting at given time, after the job is done going back in the closet).
  12. Nothing really futuristic about it. POS-Systems look like this since the mid 90s. Only thing they could modularize would be the printer, scanner and cash unit.
  13. I just hope they don't sue the sh*t out of everybody else and say "yeah we only wanted to patent the next-gen POS machine and don't like competition"
  14. The US patent and trademark office released the application for a "Modular Computing Device". Link to the published application: http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=20160041582.PGNR.