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Everything posted by zassou

  1. run gpuz while running csgo, check gpu clocks. i suspect it still in 2d mode. click the blue question mark right of bus interface you can launch a render window that hogs 3d ultilisation. run it before csgo, hop in a bot match and close the render, see if clock drops.
  2. i have a bad news for you: anker is a shenzhen based company. the distintion is how much they charges.
  3. juse use firefox lockwise instead, it's free and from a nonprofit organisation
  4. to linus: please stop talking over luke, he got some really valid points, let him finish what he says, even that makes you so itchytaht you wanna diss him. if you say let luke speak, let him fucking speak, do no interrupt! i find the most put-off thing about podcasts are how some ppl always talking over others, aka "mansplaining" if he wanna put a space rocket in his living room counter, let him put it. make better jokes about the rocket later instead of making unfunny reactions. to luke: your volume is fine but his is too low, as an audio listener, i always find myself scrubbing back a few seconds. and when ever you laugh, i always wanna take off my headphones and your volume not only too low, also wobbling, i suspect you have your mic mounted in front of you, and it's like a shotgun mic. whenever you move away from your chair, for idk, linus' dad jokes? your voice is gone. your should have some sort of product quality despite the current event. sincerely an audio listener in a noisy room.
  5. afaik xbox is a crt-era console, that means it's better played on an old school crt tv. i think you can get component output cable for xbox, that probably would get you the best possible video quality.
  6. i have some honeywell, orange ones. quite good, dunno raiting or whatnot, i dont wear them when riding tho
  7. it's more of personal preference, me for example, i find korean's stainless steel sticks sacrilegious
  8. do you know how to ride a bicycle, if so, do you understand how it works? me neither, but i do know how to ride it. same as chopsticks, once you know how to use it, you just know.
  9. what kind of chopsticks you like? disposable not included
  10. me too, i got ad newsletters and password resets from a website called gyft b4, and also ive never visited that site let alone registered. so i send a email to their contact us address, stating ive never registered. they replied later says sorry for inconvinience bla bla, and the account associated to my email has been locked and not able to access. i suspect some pr company operating a spam network grabbed some email address package and spamming ppls inbox as some kind of ad campaign.
  11. indeed yes. back when i didnt know computer stuff, i set the os resolution above what the monitor supports, ppl were paid to reinstall the os. also one time i dropped a hard drive on the floor, tiled floor. when i was a child, i dropped a laserdisc, it comes out in 3 pieces.
  12. i have a weird idea of making a diablo-like arpg with low poly style using unity.
  13. tbh ive never owned any interesting hardware, i hate basically hate most of my previous rigs. like athlon 64 x2 3800+ with via k8t800 board and 8600gt graphics card, i hate it with my heart. most of them either sold or scrapped for ewaste during upgrading or moving. i used to own a microsoft sidewinder mouse. i got it 2nd handed with the mouse itself without boxes. i bought it because i wanted a mouse with extra buttons and it looks interesting. but it's a total desaster. that's probably the most interesting part ive owned.
  14. ....aaand while threadripper have enough lanes for 2 gpus, you don't and probably wont in the near future, have a game that somehow satuated a pcie 3.0 x16 port and require another gpu to process additional graphic stuff, if there is any; games are choking on gpu performance, not transfer speed. besides, threadrippers are designed for professional workloads, they are in no position to compete with gaming cpus like ryzen 7 and core i7/i9 due to higher latency and low frequency. certainy not with it's ridiculous prices. and on top of that, there will be a new generation of graphics cards come around and performed almost twice as good as gtx1070 while way better in effeciency and the most of them all: no compatibility issues. bottomline: DON'T DO SLI, IT'S BAD
  15. tape storage is on site cold storage, not off site. that will be something like backblaze.
  16. thing about prebuilt machines, they dont necessary compatible with cpus that uses the same socket. they keep the cost down for a lot of things, not gone thru extensive testing on cpus, rams and ssd like comsumer motherboards is one. you have to get a new board for this, there is no hack, or one that's easy enough for regular people to do.
  17. https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk03sXqv7qjNnKWpLIjtBx2VOEzrryw%3A1590166035114&ei=EwLIXq3JBomGoAS0oJyQBw&q=front+panel+connector+extension&oq=front+panel+connector+extension&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoECAAQRzoECCMQJzoICAAQkQIQiwM6CggAEIMBEEMQiwM6BQgAEIsDOgcIABBDEIsDOggIABCDARCLAzoECAAQQzoECAAQCjoFCAAQywE6BggAEA0QHjoICAAQCBANEB46BwgAEBQQhwJQ7LMJWJeHCmD5iApoB3ABeACAAYUCiAH9LpIBBjAuMy4yNJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXq4AQI&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjtnqCN9sfpAhUJA4gKHTQQB3IQ4dUDCAs&uact=5 you're welcome
  18. there isnt much trx40 boards to choose from, all very expensive, that also means all of them are superemely well built. you should have no problem running the nvme setup you mention, althou it almost sure wont run at their theoretical top speed for obvious reasons. but still plenty fast for any work you have. because if raid 0 nvme drives still too slow for you, you need an optane 905p. msi's creator trx40 conws with a nvme expansion card with heatsink on top, not mean you need active cooling, but a nice to have.
  19. what's your usecase? gaming? streaming? content creating or just casual browsing? it's hard to give you a list of components without knowing your needs.
  20. i dont think in the near future nvidia would launch a graphics card that doesnt plugged in a pcie slot. but if you mean bandwidth... we are nowhere close to satuate pcie 3.0 x16 slot bandwidth, even with rtx2080ti, running some games could see noticable framerate drop only ON PCIE X8 mode. and since pcie 4.0 basically doubles the bandwidth, i would say you have nothing to worry about running out of bandwidth. if you wanna know what it feels like to have your graphics card bandwidth limited, set your pcie slot speed to 2.0 in bios, see if you can spot a difference. and if amd keep their words, i would say 4000 series could be the last ddr4 generation. judging by how x470 still supports 3000s, i have hope for x570 boards.