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  1. if i get a new cpu then i need a new motherboard and new ram and i have 4 cores
  2. dont got that much money to rebuild my computer
  3. https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Bronze-100-B1-0600-KR-Power-Supply/dp/B00EON40CS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468534431&sr=8-1&keywords=600w+psu
  4. i have a https://www.amazon.com/CybertronPC-Borg-Q-Gaming-Desktop-Quad-Core/dp/B00J9D4MVW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1468534212&sr=8-5&keywords=gaming+pc with a 600w power supply and a 750ti ftw and i can get a 760 sc atx for about $100 is it worth it and can my computer run it?
  5. Set it to the frame limit to the monitors refresh rate
  6. i plan on working on a new pc build and i was wondering if this http://pcpartpicker.com/list/rLcMnn would work with a gtx 1070
  7. i have the case storage and every other thing i need
  8. but i would like to be able to stream aswell
  9. im spending my current budget on the mobo and cpu but my gpu budget will probably be around 500 dollars
  10. i already have the gpu and pcu but this is what i plan on getting http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GLxc6h this and i was woundering in the future if i would what i will be able to upgrade to on the gpu side
  11. some time when i edit with wmm i have to move the music files forward if i move anything in the video