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wow what a helpful forum


8 hours and no replies


if this keeps up i might go to reddit. grrr



  1. WkdPaul


    Thing is, the majority of the users on this forum aren't really active at the time you posted your thread, it's still even on the first page of that section!! lol


    Give it some time and I'm sure someone will reply! :)

  2. piemadd
  3. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    You've been here for two years now, you should know how this forum operates and when most people are online. 

  4. Windows7ge


    You may also have noticed in your time that the majority of the people here don't discuss web design. It's not a common topic here. Like me, I like networking but I can only count about 10 users who will openly discuss it so if I make a topic involving it, even at the hight of website traffic it most often gets 0 replies. 30+ people have looked at your topic and left. It just kind of reinforces what I'm saying. Give it time though. If you don't get anything in about 48 hours though you highly likely won't ever get a reply.
