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  1. 2FA


    Congress has zero to do with NN my dude.

  2. piemadd
  3. 2FA


    No, they have power over lawmaking which could give the FCC or FTC undeniable power over NN.

  4. piemadd


    @DeadEyePsycho The FCC has already been denied power over delegating NN adjustment.

  5. 2FA


    You don't need to mention me every time, I get the notification regardless.


    They were denied because ISPs weren't classified under Title II. They then proceeded to reclassify them under Title II (which the DC judge that denied them in the first place suggested to them) effectively giving them regulation power. There are limits to which they can regulate due to Title II which should be noted but to say they were denied in general is blatantly false. The only recent denial I can think of is the privacy rules (which weren't enforced in the first place by the FCC) being overturned by Congress earlier this year.

  6. 2FA


    Don't get me wrong, I would be all for an actual law legitimizing NN. I'm just trying to correct misconceptions on both sides (there are a lot :/).
