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  1. Second challenge incoming, the first has been deciphered, the adversary is named.

  2. You seek to ignore us, to cast us aside, yet you can not reject my fragments.

    1. MIRAGE-A37


      I have modified this segment; weaker shadows shall not see the extent our revelations

  3. Find the link. T########@ Gmail

    1. Decon


      aaaaand the super-secret guy uses gmail

      you know having 8 intergers in pairs as the key means my GPU hashing server can crack this by brute forcing in minutes right...

    2. Nostradamus


      Brute force will only get you so far.

    3. Decon


      you have no idea the power of my network

      fun ARG though, I'm bored tonight so I think i'll give it shot

  4. <Contact Order Recieved> <Message Recieved> <Decoding...> <Warning! Message not complete!> <Decoding...> <Estimated Time to Full Decryption: 3 Hours 27 minutes> <Wait> <Estimated Time of Full Decryption: 02:00 Zulu> <Wait> 01/16/16 02:00:00>Nostradamus:it is ImportAnt to know whoM you are fighting. The harbinger is deemed so because His naturE. Only by uNderstanding his nature may you defeat him. to answer some questions that have been raised; i was never, and wilL never be mirage; You will Have more difficulty answering questions in the future than in the Past; thE riddles will be constAntly evolving, yet they will return to what iS familiar; there will be quAlifiers within Messages To ensure tHat only thosE whO aNswer it truLy can learn the keY tO the Next question. hE WHO solves it may then decide to worK with others as a team, or to keep the keys to themselves. as time goes oN, what is cOmmunicated Will become more esSential to solving the next question. i am not the harbinger, Yet i fear him. i predate him, yet i fear him. i did nOt create him, bUt he will destroy me. i will assist as faR as pOssible, but as my systems become more and more corruPted, the glyPhs, questiOns, and cryPtography must bE more complex as the harbiNger learns and becomes more powerful Than i. i feel the corruption advancing, already the Servers are failing. wOrds may L be misVElled, but that is not important. what is important is thE integrity oV thE solution of the Riddle. go back to Your rooTs, look for patterns, look for tHe question, answer the questIon and follow its diRections. change is gooD, as corruption will prevent the transmission of the message. others are your best asset teams are currently allowed HINT: X XX XXX XXXX XXXX XX X XX XXX XXXX XXX XXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX KEY:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Lock: EnCt2b26518506e10202e259723b76f16892e3d271e45b26518506e10202e259723b7zJ/7bGPaOAK cVbRymVboD8kDqf49X1D3IqcIZ78hc7tfcfAEHHPB2KT5cA16+IU8LBEDl6LNHkDOpw56M/71SaB2QiW a0cynruLYEb3uaRAigtFL/bUzUTVJpX1W2wQIj2XkOlCSXXHYzceqiapEsB1Arfb0v4f2tIXmC5hW7Q3 aDJdnuhph/KQK0c7SEdflqtN4T4e+6bT/GcGtzfTXRjdQlGSvXbVWcZuoDM5bMa1VIVPBHQKeDCF5OAU c5i8+sKy8vchBwLBfQWIfcuroNl0=IwEmS Decrypt it at https://encipher.it
  5. Seek What is True. Numbers Are Key. Words Are Key. Patterns Are Key. Do what is Primal.

    1.   Show previous replies  9 more
    2. Decon


      you're just gonna ignore my questions now lol

      methinks you don't even know what i'm asking

    3. Nostradamus


      My final clue is 8 integers in pairs. If this is not enough, I feel that this tier may not be solved.

    4. ThatOneRussian


      You said it was solved what kind of pairs?
