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Everything posted by dasr1985

  1. Complaint filed, absolutely chomping at the bit to get these guys to do their job. Completely asinine the way they are carelessly handling this situation given that I'm a paying customer with no choice but to use their service in my area.
  2. That is most likely what I'm going to have to do. After countless hours of troubleshooting with ISP tech support, even with different modem/router combo devices all brand new out of the box... The ISP still referred me to my manufacturer no matter how logically conclusive the issues pointed towards some configuration on the ISP's side. With the latest device, I went through netgear techsupport for the heck of it just so I could tell the ISP I did it and the problem still exists. Netgear was happy to help me, and reassured me they could absolutely solve my problem for a small fee of $79.99 LOL. So I humored it, told him sure, I'll pay the $79.99 if they can actually fix it otherwise I want my money back. Here I sit with a refund if that tells you anything. This issue is most definitely the ISP, and they refuse to take responsibility for the issue at all. The last technician I spoke with frustratingly said.. "why can't you just use our modem?" My configuration is now by utilization of their modem and a regular router that I own. I've submitted quite a few feedback issues with the way this is being handled and the fact that they advertise that I can use my own modem, but they won't do anything to help me do that in this situation.
  3. @lieder1987 @Hiitchy I'll def find out today what can be done. I feel like it's pretty ridiculous that they would put in place restrictions when the device is technically an approved device based on the specifications they required on their site under the approved equipment list. I guess, technically the TP-Link I had was not listed but it did abide by the specifications required...... actually I just checked and the TP-Link Archer CR700 I have is on their approved list. According to the representatives from TWC/Spectrum technical support that I've worked with, there are no restrictions in place from them to my home to impact my device. @Levisallanon please excuse my ignorance, but what specifically would I be looking for with those settings? I'm about to look that up, but just in case I can't find an answer I'm asking. Thanks in advance! I really appreciate the feedback so far guys! It is an incredibly frustrating situation. I actually own the same TP-Link device at my home in Corpus Christ, Texas and the ISP there for me is Grande Communications. I had absolutely no issues with getting the service setup, and no signal mitigation at all from it either. They are a coaxial cable based internet solution as well.
  4. LTT Community, I'm not an expert, but I'm also not a first time user of networking equipment either so please bare with me if there is something that I just can't answer right away. Situation: Device: TP-Link Archer CR700 AC1750 ISP: Time Warner/Spectrum On 9/9/2017 I received my device in the mail and set it up in a very typical default fashion. Logged into it via, no problems there. After I did an initial configuration (important note* normal operation not bridged mode) and customized my SSD/Password/hide etc; I then called the ISP to register the device so that I could begin receiving service. At this point during the call the device would no longer allow me to login to it (time out response) and I could only connect one device wirelessly and one device via cable ethernet at any given time. The rest of that call ended with concluding that perhaps my device was faulty somehow, and ofcourse because it is 3rd party they could not assist any further (understandable). I've attempted to contact TP-Link customer service... dead end there. Amazon support overnights another TP-Link Archer CR700 which I received on 9/11/2017. The exact same issue occurred, and at this point I kept the ISP on the phone because surely they are enacting some kind of restriction, of which they have confidently expressed is not the case. In my troubleshooting with them on the phone, I disconnected the coax from the TP-link device and attempted to login..still could not. I then restored the device to default settings via the reset switch on the rear I/O. Once the device went through it's initial start up process I was able to login to it with no issues, no time out response or anything. Great! I now know it is not the device right? So with the ISP representative eagerly waiting for my results I connected the coax back to the device and performed a basic reboot. They confirmed they could see the device connected when it came back up, and guess what! I'm back to square one... It is acting like it is stuck in bridge mode and I'm locked out from making any changes to MY OWN device. The ISP reassures me that there is nothing on their end that can cause this... but why would this occur after I reconnect the coax cable which allows the ISP to provide me service as well as monitor my device? Any ideas, suggestions.. anything. I'm all ears and thanks in advance! Today... I will be picking up a NETGEAR AC1750 DualBand Router with DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Multi device from best buy. I figured i needed to try a completely different brand and I didn't want to wait 2-3 days for a device to be shipped to me. Last note here: I have attempted to contact TP-Link technical support numerous times, and on occasion that I was able to actually get through and the call didn't randomly drop, the receive audio from the individual I was speaking with was so broken it was impossible to make out anything they said at all. Also, I'm at a temporary location (undetermined amount of time) and as far as I can tell TWC/Spectrum is the only service choice I have.
  5. Ok, new prob here: I just finished building this for the 3rd assignment this week, and I have yet to clean it up in terms of organization. The instructor provided us with the pseudocode to follow which also seemed to included duplicate requests in terms of variables... so those still need to be cleaned up. I"m gonna take a break and work on physics for a bit before I do that, but I figured I would post what I have here to get some insight. For now it looks like I have errors with part of an 'if' 'else' statement as well as the section where the target is getting moved. I'll post the errors after the code. // Week 3 Assignment-3// Description: Snowball fight - version 1//---------------------------------- //**begin #include files************#include <iostream> // provides access to cin and cout#include <array>#include <vector>#include <time.h>#include "main.h" //--end of #include files-----------//----------------------------------using namespace std;//----------------------------------//**begin global constants********** // define a struct of the targetstruct coords{int x;int y;};struct target{string target;int dist; bool hit;coords position;};target Target;// -- xPos is the x position (the column)int x = (0);// -- yPos is the y position (the row)int y = (0);// -- xHit is x position of the hit(the column)coords xHit;// -- yHit is y position of the hit(the row)coords yHit;// -- distance between target and snowball hitcoords hit_pos;// -- hits is how many times the target has been hitint Tgt_hit_count = (0);// const grid size (i.e. 5x5 grid constant is 5)const int grid_size = 5;// const number of turnsconst int turns = 10; //--end of global constants---------//---------------------------------- //**begin main program**************int main(){ // initializationbool hit = false;int Tgt_hit_count = 0;int dist = 0;coords hit_pos;coords xHit;coords yHit;int throw_snowball(); // seed the random number generatorsrand(time(NULL));// create the target structstruct target{string target;int dist;bool hit;coords position;};target Target;for ((x, y) = 0; (x, y) <= grid_size; (x,y))// set target at random location{Target.position.x = rand() % grid_size;Target.position.y = rand() % grid_size;Target.hit = false;}// set hits to zeroint Tgt_hit_count = 0;// loop for the specified number of turnsfor (int i = 0; i < turns; i++){ // get x and y position for the snowball from playercout << "select x coordinate for snow ball" << endl;cin.get >> xHit;cout << "select a y coordinate for snow ball" << endl;cin.get >> yHit;}// compare to the target's positionint throw_snowball(coords position, target Target);{int dist;if (x == Target.position.x);{if (y == Target.position.y);{Target.hit == true;return 0;}else {return abs(y - Target.position.y);}else{int dist = abs(x - Target.position.x);if (int dist < abs(y - Target.position.y)) int dist == abs(y - Target.position.y);}}}// report hit, or distance of miss (see instructions for details)if (hit) cout << "The Target has been hit!" << endl;else cout << "You achieved " << Tgt_hit_count << " hits out of " << turns << "chances" << endl;cin.get();cin.get();// target moves (see instruction for details)void moveTarget(target Target);{enum MoveEnum{North, South, East, West, Stop};bool moveNotfound = true;MoveEnum ranNum = MoveEnum(rand() % 5);if (ranNum == Stop) return;while (moveNotfound){switch (ranNum){ case North:if (Target.position.y == 0) break; Target.position.y--;cout << Target << " moving North." << endl;return; case East:if (Target.position.x == grid_size - 1) break; Target.position.x++;cout << Target << " moving East." << endl;return; case West:if (Target.position.x == 0) break; Target.position.x--;cout << Target << " moving West." << endl;return; case South:if (Target.position.y == grid_size - 1) break;Target.position.y++;cout << Target << "moving South" << endl;return;default:break;}ranNum == MoveEnum(int(ranNum + 1) % 4);}}// end of loop// report score (number of hits vs turns)cout << "Player score is" << Tgt_hit_count << " out of " << turns << " chances" << endl;// Wait for user input to close program when debugging.cin.get();cin.get();return 0;}//--end of main program-------------//---------------------------------- Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error (active) no operator "<<" matches these operands Wk_3_Assignment_3 f:\Devry University Files\Intro to C++ Programming\Assignments\Assignment 3 Week 3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\main.cpp 144 Error (active) expected a statement Wk_3_Assignment_3 f:\Devry University Files\Intro to C++ Programming\Assignments\Assignment 3 Week 3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\main.cpp 105 Error (active) no operator "<<" matches these operands Wk_3_Assignment_3 f:\Devry University Files\Intro to C++ Programming\Assignments\Assignment 3 Week 3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\main.cpp 138 Error (active) no operator "<<" matches these operands Wk_3_Assignment_3 f:\Devry University Files\Intro to C++ Programming\Assignments\Assignment 3 Week 3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\main.cpp 150 Error (active) no operator "<<" matches these operands Wk_3_Assignment_3 f:\Devry University Files\Intro to C++ Programming\Assignments\Assignment 3 Week 3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\Wk_3_Assignment_3\main.cpp 156
  6. Just an update, it was a problem with Microsoft Visual Studios 2012. I ran 2015 and update the library file with the C++ library update and everything is running smoothly for now, fingers crossed. On the assignment, I also found the last bug. I'll post an update later tonight in case anybody wants to take a look at the code above and see if they can find it themselves first if they care.
  7. hhmmmm, I'm using the reg white background theme and it looks fine.. I'll prob switch to dark theme to see how I can fix it for the latter. As far as installation goes, that is what I initially thought was going on, and perhaps it still is. I have a 250 GB SSD that I run my OS on and a few monitoring programs for my system, and I use a 1TB WD Black HDD for everything else. I initially installed Visual Studios to the 1TB drive, and throughout the course of this assignment and a few from last week I have uninstalled and re-installed MVS probably 4 times now including the last uninstall where I decided to download and install MVS-2015 directly on the SSD just incase installing it on the 1TB HDD was causing the issue. Now, I have since also double checked with a known good code and it ran just find without any errors or problems with locating the #include files. When creating new projects it creates a directory folder for the project that would also have the #include libraries as well right? Perhaps I'll just completely delete the current projects and start over to see if that was the problem when I get home later I guess.
  8. I wave my dumba$$ flag and say thank you sir!
  9. ok, so the program we are advised to use along the duration of this course is Microsoft Visual Studios 2012. I updated to 2015 and have noticed no real changes in terms of how it effects my work in the course so far. In our 3rd week now, and I've reached a point in this 'compile time bug' assignment where I'm unsure of what could be causing the next error. Here is the code: // Week 1 Assignment-1// Description: Compile time errors with loops and branching//---------------------------------- //**begin #include files************#include <iostream> // provides access to cin and cout#include <time.h> // to allow seeding the random number generator using time//--end of #include files-----------//---------------------------------- using namespace std;//---------------------------------- //**begin global constants**********const int arraySize = 5;//--end of global constants---------//---------------------------------- //**begin main program**************int main(){ // seed random number generator srand(time(NULL)); // create a flag to end the while loop bool endLoop = false; // create an int array int array[arraySize]; // initialize the int array for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { array[i] = (rand()%50) + 50; } int number; int mysteryNum; int arrayNum; while (!endLoop) { mysteryNum = rand()%40; arrayNum = array[rand()%arraySize]; cout << " What number do you need to subtract from " << arrayNum << " to get " << mysteryNum << "? "; cin >> number; if (mysteryNum == arrayNum - number) { cout << "You got the number!" << endl; else { cout << "That's not the right number." << endl; endLoop = true; } } cin.get(); // Wait for user input to close program when debugging. cin.get(); return 0;}//--end of main program-------------//---------------------------------- The last error that I'm getting within the IDE is that the #include libraries for both <iostream> and <time.h> cannot be located. I verified that they are indeed within the program files of MVS-2015, and I double checked with the instructor that this wasn't an erroneous error and is indeed a symptom of the last error. There are a total of 5 errors in this source code, 4 of which I have already located and fixed (including in the above paste). Now I'm just trying to figure out what is causing the error in reading/locating the #include files as I'm fairly certain that is connected to the last error. I'll keep working on it, but I got stuck over the past 24 hours so I figured I'd throw a hail mary to you guys. Perhaps if you know the answer, maybe just guide in me in where I'm being a tard about it, lol. Again, thanks guys I really appreciate the help. Learning this means a lot to me and with the little time I have I'm doing my best to stay ahead of the learning curve. This is actually the first code problem I couldn't immediately figure out on my own. I'm betting on it being something pretty simple and dumb.
  10. I appreciate it, I'm literally in the introductory portion of C++ learning basic identifiers, functions, arrays, structs, strings, and building small code for just random stuff to utilize them. I'll probably post some questions on here tonight when I sit down to work on assignments. Aside from the labs we do assignments also where the 1st is a compile time bug search, 2nd being run time errors, and the 3rd being a build it yourself. In no way am I asking anyone to do work for me (just to clarify), I'm just looking to gain a different point of view that might help me understand what the hell I'm using and why, lol.
  11. Anyone here just absolutely versed in C++? I'm going through college and with some of the assignments I have to say they are getting pretty difficult. Outside of the classroom I'm on my own in terms of studying with anyone, or at least having someone to bounce ideas off of. I wonder if there is anyone here that might not mind me emailing them, or even just conversing through the forum that might be able to answer and "explain" the things I have questions on a bit better than my professor. Seems like one of those things where, until you're versed in the language it is a bit hard to understand someone else's explanation sometimes of how and why something is used. Anyhow, comment here or shoot me a PM if you feel inclined. It is pretty basic stuff but it helps to bounce ideas off of other people for me to learn sometimes given the subject. Thanks in advance
  12. Aside from the professionalism in LTT ability to produce polished videos and a growing employee base, I can't really see much difference in the way Linus approaches things from the time I tuned into this live stream when it was just him in front of a Samsung monitor in his own home office up until the WAN Show. I think it's easy for people to sit in front of their computer and play the judgmental cards through their keyboards and brain vomit crud like "linus sells a LTT branded noctua fan, so now he can't be trusted". Business is business, I'll never argue that; but I wouldn't say that Linus is going to over sell his branded fan from Noctua over another equally priced and performing case/radiator fan if it existed. Yes, while there are comparable products out there they still do not meet or exceed Noctua's performance at the same audible level that they provide. As far as I can tell he hasn't done so either, and over the years before he even created this branded Noctua fan he constantly (from the garage days) went through a series of difference fans looking for what might prove to be possibly the best for price/performance/and less audible noise. Next to that, we are all uniquely provided with our own opportunities to test our own facts against theirs in order to replicate what they have experienced in efforts to prove them wrong should we so choose. So saying "Linus can't be trusted" because he was smart enough to choose the unicorn of silent fan operation as a product to put his own LMG brand on sound like hasty b****ing to me. .02 - Lots of Hasty Generalizations; smart business is smart business in the end, but he still understands his audience ultimately dictates his portfolio. I think they do a superb job considering the market they exist in where either boobs get the views therefore the sponsorships, or you sell out completely; of which I do not think Linus has sold out in anyway.
  13. Try using a different adapter for connecting to your network. I had an issue with the adapter built into my motherboard, would only show up whenever I started doing anything slight intensive on the network, similar to what you're talking about. Bought a PCI-E adapter and everything is working fine. Try it out
  14. I was gonna say, at the very lease you could reapply your own thermal paste and reseat the heat sink. Glad you got it worked out. I run 3-way SLI Strix 980's and I never go over 70C on the top card in BF4 with 4k
  15. DASR1985 - Vessel Username Fav Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/FYu03582i https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj What can I say, Luke is a funny guy! So are you Linus.. you're actually funnier, just not in the videos on vessel right now.. please don't ban me! Ok!! OK!! You're funnier I take it back!!
  16. I think he's talking about all the "bumper stickers" on the side panel, nice build. Stickers are meh but its your case, looks alright to me!
  17. This is the most helpful post I've ever seen. In other news this is a great build!
  18. I wish I was at home, I'll give that a try tonight when I get home from work. That is the one basic thing I didn't try.
  19. Ok, with my new rig up and running I wanted to see how it would perform with some fairly demanding games. First off: SYSTEM! Intel i7 5930k @ 4.6 Ghz EVGA Classified X99 Mobo (X2) Asus GTX 980 'STRIX" in SLI 32 Gb G-Skills Series 4 @ 2666 Mhz 250 Gb Samsung 850 pro 1 TB Samsung 850 pro 1 TB Western Digital Cav Black EVGA 1200 Watt pwr sply Define XL R2 Silver OS : Windows 8.1 Monitor: Dell U2715H (2560 X 1440) Ok, with that out of the way here is the problem. Every single game I have installed on my system is running great...except for Watch Dogs. I started it up last night and was able to get to the menu. Upon reaching the menu I cranked everything up to the highest setting and then restarted the game. It starts up to the opening screen with all the "digital hacking" particles and then the screen goes black. Following the black screen I get a slightly dimmed display and then a windows dialog box letting me know that Watch Dogs has crashed, with the selections to "debug" or "close program". I have tried uninstalling the game, and then installing it again. I've also tried it with no overclock, and I've even loaded it onto a different HDD. Right now all my games are on the 1TB Samsung SSD, and they all perform just fine. Any ideas guys? I did a quick search in different forums today but I was limited on time so it's very possible I've missed something out there.
  20. I had been wanting to check out hardline beta but damnit school is killing me. Been runnin a lot of rush and conquest on BF4 in the mornings though. That game is still buggy.
  21. add me, dasr1985 As long as it's not a boat load of garbage I'll be picking up Hardline at release and possibly premium. Just got my gaming machine back up and running and hitting BF4 a good bit. Also uplay, steam, origin... Just use dasr1985@yahoo.com if the reg name doesn't work.
  22. Topic needs to be moved to Build Planning section
  23. With much respect I have to say this, don't look for an AIO cooler with the idea that you want the one that looks better. From a performance stand point, choosing to liquid cool your CPU goes hand in hand with what is going to get the job done efficiently and remove the most heat in the crappiest of conditions (in the overclock sense). The h110i is going to be the better purchase in terms of cooling efficiency at load. It does look good too, but there are plenty of things developed in the PC enthusiast market that look awesome and blow complete balls. For fans I would get a hold of something that has pretty decent static pressure, the AF 140 fans are not going to be the fans you want for mounting on a radiator. If you want corsair then you want the SP140 fans and they will do a pretty good job while still maintain a decent RPM so that they don't make too much noise. Unless you're not worried about noise, but keep in mind that at some point no matter how fast your fans are running (high speed that is) they aren't going to remove any more heat from the radiator as opposed to a lower speed. You just have to mess with the RPM settings under load and find that sweet spot.
  24. Alright, so I have the Noctua NH-D15 CPU cooler and I didn't account for how it would probably restrict me from using the top PCI-E X16 slot. I'm running a 5930k with a single Strix 980 at the moment, but I'll be purchasing another 980 soon. If I want dual x16 performance I need to be able to use the #1 and #4 PCI-E slots, but of course right now the #1 is blocked by the D15 cooler. If I decide to keep the cooler is X8 going to hurt me that bad in the end? I feel like I already know the answer but I figured screw it I'll see what the community thinks. I do gaming, development with different engines (school) (quadro build coming soon), do CAD work (career), I use F@H, as well as many other things. I don't plan to go any higher than dual SLI, unless I get a good reason to of course.