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Hi Linus can you do a pc build challange in Brighton or in England cuss it’s really empty in pc parts..

thank you. I’m a fan btw 

  1. iLostMyXbox21


    I think they have a thread for video ideas, you should post that there so there is a higher chance he will see it

  2. Linusthebest
  3. iLostMyXbox21
  4. Linusthebest


    Does Linus  have a lifetime amount of graphics card sounds like it

  5. iLostMyXbox21


    I don’t think he gets them free, every once in a while he gets a sponsor and he gets something free to review or to use in a video, but I’m not sure about as many as he wants forever

  6. Linusthebest
  7. iLostMyXbox21


    Welcome to the forum by the way

  8. Linusthebest


    Thank you are you a admin or something?

  9. iLostMyXbox21


    No, I’m just a member.


    heres all of the mods, admins, etc


