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I see news saying Nvidea Next Gen GPU's are going to be 4 x faster than volta's xavier


Could you please make a video going through all the Nvidea's SOC ? 


(Just curious to know what's the difference)?


  1. vanished


    I've heard ___ is going to be X times faster than ___, where X is some ridiculous multiple like 4x, 10x, etc. too many times, and every time it turns out to be a total lie, or best case, a very specific situation in some highly niche case.  I think we can expect the next gen to be roughly the same incremental improvement we've seen from the last handful of recent generations - plus or minus 10 to 15% or so, the *70 card replaces the old *80 Ti, and the *60 card replaces the old *70, etc.
