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  1. So I've had to fix video stuttering in xUbuntu and now I get video stuttering when I full screen the video, anyone know a fix to this?
  2. pro tip: Console Gamers don't give 2 shits about what they play on, they also don't give 2 shits about playing games on PC, trying to argue with console gamers is like arguing with a rock, we don't care enough about you or your argument
  3. I dont think there is a way to do that, but if you get your software key from your computers settings you should be able to download an installation file to mount onto a usb, from here you can install windows on the ssd, you cant copy windows because it needs to be installed
  4. There is no such thing as a good micro usb cable. The high end cables are just placeebo making you think that they work better, the most you should spend on a micro usb is $10 and it should work fine
  5. Anyone else having similar issues with xubuntu? So recently I had to fix a small amount of video tearing in xubuntu with compton. And now after fixing the tearing I am getting stuttering with the videos in full screen. If anyone has a fix to this problem please help.
  6. Ubuntu checking in, what distribution are you using No windows allowed
  7. I want to get my older cousin Kelly an amazon fire tablet. She has been giving me Christmas gifts since I was 5 and I want to give her a gift to thank her for everything she has done for me. But, after I buy gifts for my immediate family I won't have enough for a nice gift for her. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00S5HFVGI/ref=s9_al_mh_bCw2jUh_g424_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=mobile-hybrid-4&pf_rd_r=1KDWP2EYNZNRRBDK2AQ8&pf_rd_t=30901&pf_rd_p=2321904742&pf_rd_i=11851273011