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  1. If it was up to me, I'd go Razer Blade 14 for sure, the last laptop I used for gaming was brilliant at burning my hands as the hottest part of the metal topped surface was... WASD area.. and the exhaust port wasn't far away! I'd have to share it with the kids though, they're getting into gaming as well
  2. Currently rocking along on an old GTX570 that sounds like it's trying to create a black hole inside my case every time any game is loaded up, even World of Warcraft makes this thing scream... sad. The only plus side? The damn thing was free. I've been attached to AMD since my old K6/2-450 CPU was kicking ass and taking names I'd like an upgrade so that I can actually enjoy the games I play and get back into Team Red!
  3. I'd go for a keyboard as I'm using an old Dell keyboard for my gaming adventures.. and can't really justify the cost of a new keyboard on my income
  4. Everyone should have an SSD in their system to assist in making up for the poorly programmed buggy piece of software most of us use on a regular basis - Windows. With an SSD powering your machine, even a seemingly ancient machine can happily chug along and be usable!
  5. I like this PC because of the engineering involved in making something so small and powerful - all the considerations of heat dissipation and reliability that you normally don't have to think about all that much in an ordinary case are simply thrown out the window for clever thinking and smart solutions to make a small, powerful mini PC. It sure beats the pants off my hand-me-down PC that can't actually game at any reasonable setting. That's why I run 1680*1050