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Posts posted by ToniBamboni

  1. 11 minutes ago, DND said:

    Hey guys i'm planning to upgrade to a 980ti an i'm leaning towards getting a reference cuz it's much cheaper and as far as i know i don't even need to bother with waterblock compatibility. Just wanted to know if there are any differences between references brands like evga,gigabyte,asus,msi,zotac and etc. 

    Get the one that matches your color scheme.

  2. 1 hour ago, Supercian411 said:

    instead make it 1 hour long and about how to plug in a usb lead

    You're missing my point. Just because OP loves Comp Sci and technology doesn't mean he should make his classmates suffer through a presentation over topics they have no knowledge of. You're acting like you look down on non tech-savvy people simply because they have different interests. I'm saying OP needs to select a relatable topic that can engage his classmates and make a good presentation.
