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Really should have bought AMD stock when it was at $1. I vividly remember it being at $1. Big sad :(


  1. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    grandpa tellin stories about the stock market again haha jk . it was really that low at one point? Id really like to look into investing, i guess theres no better time than the present.

  2. Silentprototipe


    @veldora I vividly remember seeing it at like $1.89 and I looked and yeah. It was as low at $1.81. Imo AMD is gonna be a huge cash cow for a while. Really should consider investing right about now :/


  3. minibois


    i have the same with Bitcoin. People in 2014-2015 pronouncing it dead because it has dropped to 200 USD from its then high-point of 500-750 USD..

  4. Beef Boss

    Beef Boss

    What do you use to invest? I've seen apps and that. any pointers?
