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Ugh, Bills are the worst :(. I just had enough to get me a new case but RIP that idea :/. At least I get paid this week 

  1. dizmo
  2. Silentprototipe
  3. dizmo


    Why? The only bills you should have are things you need. It's not like you're not using said services.

  4. shmoochie


    this is why you work hard or just get a manual labor job that pays good from the start. then you'll have money for bills plus extra.


    I remember my first job pouring concrete. hard work, long hours but getting a $700+ paycheck weekly was super nice, especially for a kid right out of highschool with pretty much no bills just my car payments.

  5. themctipers
  6. Silentprototipe
  7. dizmo


    @Silentprototipe Then don't have a phone ? Problem solved.

  8. themctipers


    then don't buy on credit a flagship phone?

  9. AngryBeaver


    If you think they are dumb now at 15 wait until you are my age. Then you can see $3000+ a month go poof lol.
