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Sky Daddy

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Everything posted by Sky Daddy

  1. these stand offs would still be screwed in by the user like the old way
  2. I decided that I could make it simpler and speed up build times.I don't it was that difficult before but I see no reason for it not to be like the example below.
  3. Sky Daddy 5 1:1 If thou judgeth others than thou shalt be judgeth the same, unless your god. I really dislike the hypocrisy of gods in religions.
  4. nothing special about coincidences what miracles what magic what about life we have not compared our universe to another universe we have not yet met another 'intelligent' race
  5. most games I don't even care but when it comes to overwatch/rocket league it can be annoying and I play those casually
  6. Step 1: verify that we are actually living in a 'real' world
  7. I just want a news station dedicated to uplifting/good news instead of the hate/fear mongering media we get fed now.
  8. 4k = 8294400 pixels= midrange 8k = 33177600 pixels = high end I'd say 4k low end and 8k enthusiast
  9. it's not quite 8k, it would be more or less 7680 x 2160 or 4320 x 3840 depending on the screen layout
  10. People are strong as a collective, but everyone needs to learn and think rationally for themselves to create their own ideals and opinions. There is way too much manipulation in this world.
  11. As long as one's culture isn't violent or inhumane, I really don't care what anybody does as long as they're reasonable and respectable. I dislike the culture of religions that live to spread itself, like a parasite searching for hosts. We really need a culture of individuality, 2017 needs to be the year of the individual.
  12. VorpX is the best software for that, but I personally can't use VR without headtracking or have your head control the mouse.
  13. Got Oculus Touch today, superhot vr has got to be the most badass game I've ever played.
  14. BF2, BC1, BC2, BF3, BF4 all modern era.... I think it's time to go back to Vietnam imo, although i would be down with a larger scale ww2 with real naval battles and the like
  15. bf4 on mantle was smooth as butter, i want that smoothness back
  16. Rift owner here, I use the Rift's integrated audio over my own HD600s. Less hassle, more or less the same level of fidelity.
  17. Hololens has a very big shortcoming though, and that's FOV Also AR/VR are very different beasts, at least in these growing stages I'm still waiting for Magic Leap to go completely public
  18. i might get planet coaster when/if it gets VR support no limits might get my purchase if planet coaster doesnt announce anything this year