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I guess security is one of the reasons why the 2018 iPhones are so freaking expensive. 

It’s a Twitter thread worth reading though I don’t know if security alone is worth paying $1100. 


  1. 2FA


    On one hand I like the good security, on the other hand I hate using iOS. It's a struggle...

  2. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    I mean it's also on the Xr, so maybe it's worth the $749?

  3. Jtalk4456


    But given security is part of the os which is "free" with the device, it shouldn't realistically change the price. 

  4. captain_to_fire


    It’s true that the OS plays a part in the iPhone security, the newer A12 chip plays a bigger role and that is exclusive to the iPhone XS/XR unfortunately like defending against hardware based attacks used by GrayShift. 
