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  1. don't troll and make him spend more money
  2. then way do I walls have like a 7 ping and play with people who have 50-90 ping in cs go and they lag on my screen but I don't
  3. so I can see it at work, and I put kappa because it was a joke
  4. it's for my pc so I know who's going on it when I'm not at home and I could care less about illegal stuff. I Havent bought a pc game since 2003 Kappa
  5. is there any free key loggers what can send the logs to a file on another pc? I want to put a key logger on my desktop and get it to send the logs to my laptop Is there a key logger that doesn't this?
  6. they probably know what region your game was registered on and will punish you for that. But not for playing online with one
  7. it's just like if you went to mcdonalds and play it their you'd have a different ip. I've played with a VPN on before all the updates to stop cheaters . And I don't see why it matters they ban your account not IP so I don't think they care about a VPN because you can't use it to bypass stuff
  8. It comes with cooler master thermal paste it's fine
  9. better to use your own paste instead of the pre applied
  10. you mean not having a static ip you need a dynamic one and I never get dosed from cs go so don't be a fuck boi