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Everything posted by Phillyphries

  1. My preferred candidate would be Rand Paul, but he is sliding down in the polls as of late while Trump is still rising. Honestly, Trump spells absolute trouble to me on the international scale. I don't think he will do well as a spokesperson/diplomat for the leading free-country of the world. He will definitely struggle against minority voters, because of his skills as an orator. He has extreme difficulties in sounding well-refined and calculated, as you notice in the debate. How many different ways did Trump say "I'm rich" before actually answering a question? He has no skill in avoiding offensive behavior or confrontations. You think any sensible woman, let alone, a majority of women will vote for Trump in 2016 after what he said about Rosy O' Donnell or Megyn Kelly? Or ANYTHING highly offensive he's said on social media/television about women? How about getting the minority votes? You think he appeals to black people? Mexicans? I want Rand Paul to win because he represents the core values of the constitution. He's very conservative (not in the party sense) in his foreign policy; He believes we should stay out of conflict when conflict is avoidable, meanwhile defunding support for third world countries that obviously are very anti-American (like Pakistan for example). The only problem with him, is that on the debate floor, he doesn't sparkle in the spotlight like the other candidates like Ben Carson or Marco Rubio, and he seemed overly aggressive. But in all, his policies are pretty much in-line with the values of my generation. But another candidate I would like to see win might just be Ben Carson. I feel like he's definitely the man that can reel-in in minority voters of America to the Republican Party for once. He's highly intelligent, and I believe he can definitely shine in a leading position. The only big negative I can see about him, is his lack of experience in foreign relations. Third choice would probably be Marco Rubio. Then Jeb Bush, then Carly Fiorina.
  2. Phillyphries

    Dear LTT, using the latin argumentum ad X does…

    I don't expect maturity from this website anymore. At least the elitism isn't as bad as Teksyndicate
  3. .... Does everyone just get free stuff in the UK these days? Seems like the government there is totally in your shit 24/7 no offense
  4. Rand Paul is the only answer for 2016... That and AMD.

  5. If you think that it matters if you're the most exciting boxer in the ring, then don't bother watching, you don't understand it anyways.

  6. AMD has way too many assets for it to close its doors before it is either: A.) Bailed out by the government similar to some auto companies in the USA B.) Merged/bought by another large semiconductor company. Strongly believe the latter will happen, but that's only if the new AMD architectures on the CPU side fail again on the market. Hopefully, they don't. I'm waiting till 2016 for a nice upgrade haha
  7. heh a good deal, but... why would anyone need a full license for MBAM? The portable version is more than fine to use on occasion lol
  8. "nice" in my post didn't mean like, "Nice! *high five*". Ugh. Internet.
  9. And some internet video services are going the same way as Cable TV... nice Sooner or later we'll have premium multimillion dollar internet shows being put directly on a subscription-based website... Actually, come to think of it, Netflix already does that in a way.
  10. Microsoft just keeps on surprising me They are incredible businessmen and innovators
  11. Great HTPC's You should have a main rig for game streaming anyways + a gigabit network at home if you want to play games on a very small machine. As for streaming movies, and using WMC, it's perfect.
  12. hmmm this would be the perfect tablet replacement Surface Pro 3 still feels like a perfect device for me though
  13. Have to agree with the other members stating that Carey is somewhat unlikable. I live in the same state as that man, and please do not think that most of us are like him lmao. While he does have some good material in his videos, it's awfully hard not to get tired of his bashing nonsense that lasts for at least 30 minutes per episode. His editing skills are horrible, and his videos are too drawn out. Basically, 10 minutes of actual work in an hour long video... Combined with his baseless rants, it infuriates me sometimes. I noticed that he disabled comments in some of his videos, and said something like this in the video description: "Comments are disabled to prevent the unruly students from disrupting the class." What a tool. P.S. I work in a tech support position in my retail store, and I can confirm that a lot of those HP computers do come into the store for some kind of service. However, it is very unlikely that it's a hardware issue. I want to say, at least in my experience, 85% of them are in for virus removals. And the customers that bring them in, are the exact demographic that @mr moose is describing. Many of those computers have survived for an average of maybe 3 years or so, and don't really show signs of failure yet.
  14. lol sure lets pitch something where there's a entirely free alternative from a good competitor G-sync should really die. There's no reason for it to exist anymore
  15. its not really delayed if videos are constantly being uploaded ~24 hours after one another Vessel just ensures that you'll get "future releases" early.
  16. JayZTwoCents does not have the audience LMG has. LMG consists of 8, maybe more, employees that have to pay rent, pay for school, etc. On top of that, Linus has a family with 2 babies. I totally understand and agree with all the moves Linus has made to support such a growing number of people. And you know what? Contrary to all these complaints and saltiness from his rather immature side of the fan base, his company still continues to grow. And grow FAST. Linus, if you are reading this, keep doing what you have to do.
  17. Your parents are teaching you to be more responsible with your money. It may not seem like it now, but you'll realize it when you grow up. And you have a lot of that to do apparently lol The level of maturity of this forum...
  18. Username: ppthreefive Favorites: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JLpxC_Zl9 https://www.vessel.com/videos/DcGDJBs98
  19. R9 290x for just $10 more than your budget is a steal imo http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HHIPN5A/?tag=pcpapi-20 But a R9 290 for ~$290 sounds good too http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121842&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
  20. Loving the new look! Very elegant and a refreshed art direction is always welcome. The old style of icons is definitely getting more and more bland every release & year.
  21. More credible than the others, but not "professional". I think my definition of "professional" in a career sense, is somebody who has all of the qualifications, education, and certifications for the job. Not sure you can even be certified lol. Let's just call them peer reviewers and call it a day.
  22. Aren't professional reviewers just random people on the internet... I'd trust a reviewer with a certification and degree in film or photography to give me 100% accurate review of a camera for example... Other than that, you're still just taking some random-person-on-the-internet's word for it.
  23. lol why would a $1000 single GPU ever win me over That's a completely different market than probably most of the people on this forum will be a part of.