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for some reason this code:

// Run our game.
while (true)
    world.drawPoly(45, 100, 200, 45);

relying on this function:

// Render the polygon to the screen at the defined position and angle.
grapler.prototype.drawPoly = function (angle, x, y, rotation)
    var cache = this.polygons[angle].image;
    cache = cache.rotate(rotation);
    cache.blit(x, y);
    system.pushEvent("grapler3D", "Drawing poly at X: " + x + " Y: " + y + " rotated to " + rotation + " degrees.");

Does this (I apologize for the poor gif quality):


  1. SImoHayha


    Would make a good loading screen

  2. SilicateWielder


    I agree. I'll probably use this bug to as the basis for creating a loading screen.


    Still though, I'm not sure why it's doing this, I need to look into this further.
