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Posts posted by Clanscorpia

  1. Hi there,

    I've been looking for a laptop and I can't seem to find one that meets what I need to here is my list:

    Quad core CPU (A10, i5?)

    GPU (Can be APU)

    6-8 GB RAM

    15'6 screen

    500 GB of storage (At least)

    I'm willing to pay up to 1250 (Canadian)


  2. Hi,


    I've looked everywhere on the internet and there's no good guide on overclocking a laptop. I know that laptops dont have good cooling and everything but compared to my 2 friends, my PC sucks except for that it has 2 more gb of ram and it has an actual GPU even if it's in an APU but my CPPU is HORRIBLE. It's an AMD E1-2500 with 2 cores running at 1.4 GHz. Yeah.... it sucks. My GPU part is AMD Radeon 8240 grapics, I feel like the GPU costs more than the CPU part. Even smartphone CPUs are better. Lately my PC has been running slower than when I got it and could someone give me a complete and detailed guide to making it faster. Thanks for the help.
