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YES! I finally figured out how to make a graph and the rules of a Parabola! Algebra is great

  1. Clanscorpia


    I already understand Complex numbers and there uses and operations with them and proper usage of imaginary numbers in math

  2. Clanscorpia


    That is a pain yes, I tried one and was like "Screw that lets go to Algebra before this", but I still use the principles in my math. If my teacher tells us to do a problem where we get the root of a negative number and shes like "this isnt possible" (Shes that dumb tbh) Ill legit be like "Bitch please yes it it"

  3. gtx1060=value


    on your way to being a great microprocessor architect - you don't hafta know coding for this at a young age like many ppl think - all coding is at root binary - keep up the calculus and advanced math and enter some competitions - waterloo would have you in a heartbeat

  4. Clanscorpia


    @gtx1060=value Competitions for what? They have math competitions?!

  5. gtx1060=value


    programming - i know you want to do hardware but programming is always a nice skill to have in your pocket - and some of the waterloo math competitions - gauss for instance and other things like that - you want to get into waterloo - you have to do well on their competitions

  6. Clanscorpia


    Ah yes I went to Skills Ontario there last year. And Im learning Java and C right now. After I get C under my belt then I can learn VHDL, the FPGA language, and hopefully Waterloo would accept me. 

  7. gtx1060=value


    i wouldnt jump into vhdl until you comprehensively understand how a processor works - the transistors and gates and everything, and how it takes commands from a control/logic board and sends them to the other parts of the machine - also, java or javascript - 2 very different things - and go from c# to c+ or c++ don't bother with c - highly suggest you learn some sql

  8. Clanscorpia


    I am learning Java right now which is basically C#. And Im learning C because I was told by an Electrical Engineer that it was a main part of VHDL and I use it for my arduino. Ill also add that to my things to learn :P 

  9. Clyne


    Screw coding...take networking 

  10. Clanscorpia


    @Bubblewhale Ugh I hate networking.

  11. Clanscorpia


    @wrathoftheturkey Try accidentaly commenting on Tallons and getting 200
