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Guess Im going for the 480. GTX 1060 is 33% more than an aftermarket 480

  1. PlayStation 2
  2. Clanscorpia


    Guess the price gap is bigger here than in the states

  3. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    Usually the States has the smallest price gap.

  4. Clanscorpia


    @evilarceus Im Canadian. I guess Canada gets AMD cards for MSRP because ATI was based here. The 480 is on MSRP but the 1060 is 35 over

  5. evilarceus
  6. Clanscorpia


    @evilarceus OMG thats a 50 USD price difference. xD tell that to the fanboys saying they cost the same

  7. Clanscorpia


    @evilarceusOh shit its actually 100 XDDDDD

  8. AresKrieger


    I know you can get one for 340ish Cad, so what does the 480 cost in Canada

  9. Clanscorpia


    @AresKrieger310. Lowest 1060 price is 360. Thats for the EVGA one that will most definitely thermal throttle. The cheapest decent card (G1 Gaming) is 400

  10. AresKrieger


    Is the 310 an 8GB card?

  11. evilarceus


    It's still a pretty hard decision for a slight Nvidia fanboy. I don't plan on playing recent games with DX12/Vulkan (I'm poor ;_;) and Nvidia has better performance in After Effects and Premiere when effects are applied AND Nvidia has ShadowPlay. Still considering the RX 480 though.

  12. Clanscorpia


    @AresKriegerYes, we dont get 4GB cards yet

  13. AresKrieger


    Well that's exactly US market pricing after exchange rate and all that, so long as it isn't ASUS/Gigabyte (which make bad AMD cards) seems like a decent deal up there
