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Everything posted by bigneo

  1. Maybe worth contacting Apple and explaining your concern. If not I'd probably try trade-in in your situation. https://www.apple.com/shop/trade-in
  2. It only means that it supports Windows 10, "included" is misleading. From the amazon.de link you gave, Unterstützte translated from German to English means supported.
  3. Nothing contradictory about what he said, you just choose to not see denuvo's side. I get it, you think that the guy is helping and he probably is for gamers, in your mind, he is a good guy who's being punished. It's illegal what he does whether you like it or not. I hope he goes free tho
  4. Because I found " I'm sorry, google must be broken for you: " as funny. Reminded me of a moment in college when one of the class students said something similar to a lecturer that he was writing an essay for. I'm not pretending nor ignoring anything. Because this is the first time I hear such, I asked for a nice written article reference to back up what the dude said, that's all. No need to overthink and get butthurt over the internet just because you knew something that others didn't.
  5. I was looking for a reference, where @Eduard the weeb said " this is Apple were talking about, the company that uses under payed foreign children to mass produce products. " The article you posted talks about 31 year old who jumped of the factory building. The factory that has 400 000 employees. I'm sure you can figure out the ratio yourself. The article does not link to the statement about under payed foreign children at all.
  6. Comical comment, but I demand reference to back it up!
  7. Since he OP said GTX, I was also referring to GTX. Good point tho
  8. Out of curiosity, what MMO? I've overclocked 460 before, so no reason not being able to overclock 470. I used MSI afterburner.
  9. Get D-brand skin for this to look more like razer product - problem solved
  10. Decent IT salaries in Ireland. Since you speak English natively, Ireland would be no problem for you. The only thing is the weather in this country.
  11. If power outage happens often and you are afraid of losing data, you could buy a power bank or whatever it is called where it keeps a computer running until you do save shut down in a case of power loss. I only saw such thing once in my life ages ago, not sure if people are actually using this at home.
  12. I remember I had a ThinkPad for a while from my friend and I gave it right back because of stupid CTRL and FN button mixup, I had all the time when copy/paste stuff. I agree with clean design, but fkng come on Lenovo... Ctrl button needs to be in a corner
  13. Essentially, you are stealing the power which in this case also translates to stealing the money But fair play for making all the effort and get it going.
  14. it was a joke but I'll try to find it. Pretty much the ad was to get your money by sending text to a given number
  15. wtf is this advanced AI... I've seen an AD on TV where you can text yours and partners names only and it will tell you if it will last or not. lel
  16. Click baity topic in my opinion, because this shit happening only in holy "great again" amurica?
  17. Regardless of the backbleed, I would go for IPS. After using 24'' 1080 IPs for about 8 years I bought ASUS PB287Q and the new monitor was so bad and I was so disappointed so I sold it and back to good old IPS... That's just my experience. I know people using TN and don't see difference between IPS and TN and you would not convince them that there are differences Personal preference bro, but I recommend IPS
  18. Why not just put it in a microwave for some spark
  19. Care to back up this nonsense? When I hear people using bing, for some reason, it reminds me of people at work using internet explorer (not edge).
  20. First of all, I would make sure that it is actually a PSU clicking and not HDD - cuz we all know what the "clicking sound of death" is