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This business about Cloudflare blocking 8chan sets a pretty scary precedent not only for 'controversial' websites, but for the entire Internet in general. The companies that control how network traffic is routed across the world have no doubt known for a long time they have an immense amount of authority and with that they no doubt have also realised, is a lot of responsibility. 


Now with the events of the past few days, it will undoubtedly cause a ripple effect to other CDNs and other companies who maintain the backbone of the internet that they should use this authority to check the content of the websites they service. I won't be surprised if they conduct 'background checks' on websites soon. Imagine that, having to get your website 'vetted' before it can be hosted by a company. 


Reminds me when they were talking about the Red Scare in history class, except now we've swapped communism with terrorism. All of these events are whirred along by the constant fear of 'radicalisation' and 'hate'. Unfortunately, in the current state of affairs, it is all too common to have content that is perceived to be overly controversial to be eradicated under the guise of it being 'offensive' or 'hate speech'. We've accepted that gender can be a spectrum, but I don't understand why we can't accept the same for opinion and belief. 
