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People are sick trying to scam grandparents. My grandma emailed about this Microsoft alert... On her Chomebook. Luckily, she didn't click anything, just restarted it, but still messed up they target these sorts of people. Now I have to go over to block this site and keep it from beeping at her.



  1. dizmo


    They're not really targeting old people with those. They're targeting anyone stupid enough to fall for it.

  2. OJTheAviator


    Fair, but I think the elderly are disproportionately effected. They didn't grow up using this tech, and often have poorer eyesight so have trouble seeing details that help clue people onto scams. Sure, it's a Chomebook and the warning is Microsoft, but I think plenty of non tech people--many of whole who have grown up with these companies--would need a few minutes for that to jump out at them.

  3. Bombastinator


    Old people are often technologically behind, are sometimes mentally compromised, and tend to have bank accounts.  Perfect victims.  What’s that phrase “heroin to school kids?”
