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How I felt during and after talking to ACS.


  1. Windows7ge


    The holes are tapped ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

  2. TVwazhere
  3. dual290x


    @TVwazhere, American Cancer Society.

    I am a Social Work Intern at a Cancer Center. The woman I talked to was at least 85 years old and didn't know anything. What should have taken five minutes to schedule rides for a patient took almost 20 minutes.


    @Windows7ge, I like tapped holes.

  4. Windows7ge


    Pre-tapped or do you like doing the tapping? Hopefully the former because otherwise I ruined her for you.

  5. TVwazhere


    Okay thats what I thought it meant, but when I looked it up the first thing I got was American Chemical Society ?‍♂️
