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happy trans awareness day if you dont support us unfollow me

  1. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    BITCH I DO WHAT I WANT!  *follows*

  2. ARikozuM







  3. ARikozuM


    Also, Japanese mascot for Wendy's fast food. 

  4. MoonlightSylv


    cant tell if you guys are serious or not

  5. ARikozuM


    Serious about what? 

  6. MoonlightSylv


    Being unsupportive/unfollowing/following back

  7. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @ShadowTechXTS I'm not transgender myself, but I don't see any reason to not support it.

  8. Tech_Dreamer


    Not aware of which gender am i supposed to support. :ph34r:

  9. dizmo


    What if you're just neutral? You don't really care either way?

  10. MoonlightSylv


    What I mean by supportive is just like treat us like anyone else

  11. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon


    What I mean by supportive is just like treat us like anyone else

    So as long as we're decent human beings?

  12. ARikozuM


    As long as transgender people don't feel the need to announce it like some vegans announce their veganism as law, I've got no problem. 


    Also, I'm probably going to murder the next client that starts an exam off with "Well, I'm vegan" and ending it with some form of "I would like to feed my dog a vegan diet". #LetsMakeEveryonePassive #LetsDoPhotosynthesis

  13. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @ARikozuM I don't really mind if someone feels the need to announce it.  If they feel that strongly about it, then go ahead.

    My problem is when those people want to force you to follow their lifestyle, or feel a sense of superiority about their life choices.


    But I have never had a transgender person pull that shit on me.  I have had plenty of vegans pull that shit though.


    I would like to feed my dog a vegan diet

    Perhaps you shouldn't have acquired a PREDATOR as a pet then.
