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Yeah, I refuse to be soft on those TV hosts, this is some real basic math, I've always seen this in memes, I never realized there were people dumb enough to think this was actually making any sense ... Thanks for chipping away some hope I still have left about humanity!



  1. givingtnt


    Imagine how much heroin that could buy !

  2. Techstorm970


    I never hold back the chance to make fun of the people who see a big number and immediately react with the biggest brainfart you've ever seen. xD


    Sometimes I'm off by a zero when doing big money calculations in my head.  But six zeroes?!  SIX?!  HOW DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS?!?!?!

  3. Morgan MLGman

    Morgan MLGman

    Yeah, I've seen this the day after this aired - holy mother of sweet baby jesus, you'd think that being THIS dumb makes it almost impossible for a person to lead a normal life in our society - MSNBC airs idiots like that almost on a daily basis and pays them more than we'd imagine... 😅

  4. Tech_Dreamer