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The other admins at work just realized I'm the 2nd best at writing up powershell scripts (the other guy used to be a dev but he's on vacation, so yeah!). So now I'm being transferred any tickets regarding correcting existing scripts, or for creating new ones. So I spent most of yesterday and this morning on that!


Thing is, while I'm good at it, I hate powershell scripting!



... FML ...

  1. LukeSavenije
  2. Mr.Meerkat


    My relationship with programming in general. I'd say I'm decent at it but utterly hate it! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

  3. TheMountain28


    That very tough to have motivation for coding, is a kind of life style. You need to meditate, to be careful about what you eating, you need to make some sport. I think the employee of google have this kind of environment in work. Good luck with that, sometimes it never too late to said you don't like that. Stay positive ;)
