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I think I understand why I don't like the new forums now after having been off for a long while.

Things feel laggy. Like, when I scroll down, this is what I experience: *scrolls down one tick* -> 0.2 seconds pass -> *page actually scrolls down*

If the page is still loading, even if the content I'm scrolling to is already loaded, it's more like 0.5-1 seconds pass. I'm using Chromium 52.

Honestly, little things like that are what get to me. User experience is important. I'd rather not use a website if that website feels unresponsive.

I'm not gonna leave, but I just thought it'd be something to mention as a legit criticism of why I don't like this place as much anymore.

  1. Vitalius


    And for reference, 0.2 seconds is like playing a multiplayer shooter with 200 ms of ping. It's enough of a delay that it's noticeable.

  2. Techicolors


    i think the most recent problems came from the forum reindexing as a mod told me, though that process seems to have concluded.. 


    i'm a bit used to sites being slow for the sake of being slow, but yeah, it is choppy this forum 

  3. Tech_Dreamer


    it's been off a lot lately with a recent update & i feel like the whole site is turning into mush
