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I would like to point out that I'm still selling my MSI Reference 290X for $200 (buyer pays shipping).


  1. Vitalius


    Ok, cool. I can have the picture to you in like, what, a day?

    Do you have a fax machine? Will make it much easier to deal with.

  2. Vitalius


    Completely serious. I will totally fax or snail mail you this picture of this 290X for a 270X. I will definitely probably maybe not really send it as soon as I get the 270X in the mail.

  3. Opask


    Tis a nice card. But alas I have no funds.

    @valdyrgramr He has said in the past that he just wants someone to use it. He will trade as long as its not something totally ridiculous. IE no Fermi 480 BBQ and Grill.

  4. Vitalius


    @Opask Cool.

    Oh no. I want $$$ for this now. That was then. This is now. Unfortunate, but life.

    @valdyrgramr I'm offering a picture. I figured your 270X was a joke, so I was joking since I knew you wouldn't trade a picture for a 270X.

  5. Opask


    Ah, my apologies then.

    Still hopefully someone takes it. Its a good deal and even holds its ground against 970s.

  6. AnnoyedShelf


    I'd buy it if I had a desktop.
