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Everything posted by AyBuild

  1. Lg g4 or oneplus 2 or s6 edge plus or import note 5 arghh can't decide g4 is ruled out kinda because I think that a fingerprint scanner is cool
  2. Michael leitch is the least Japanese sounding name ever. And he's their rugby captain.
  3. Games IMO anime can be more easily pirated than games or soda. I mean you can't pirate soda tho
  4. No it was a 18 core Xeon (the £3000 one)
  5. Tapatalk mobile is shit with images
  6. I swear to fuck persona 5 is never getting released it got delayed to 2016
  7. I can't do the face :angry: :angry: . Any Ideas on the neck n face and making it look natural (like how to add shadows and do the beard.)
  8. I'm not harsh all the time. Most though.
  9. I'm just a really harsh person who's either really straight up or not at all about what I try to say, I was like that before anime.
  10. Nah I wasn't feeling some corny graduation ceremony.
  11. Episode 21 of kill LA kill wtf is even happening.
  12. If anyone wants a oneplus two invite I'll put it on again
  13. Oneplus two invite http://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30146609/onepl.us?p=eyJzIjoidV94VnZYSXBiUmgyUEVSS1pNMk93RF93WEp3IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDE0NjYwOSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvb25lcGwudXNcXFwvR0xWSi1EOVpRLU5WSkYtVkpYUlwiLFwiaWRcIjpcIjc0ZTQ5OTY3YmY1NTQ1NWVhZGQ0MTkwMjA3Y2Y5OWZlXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiNTg2ZDIyNjE5YTAyYThmZGY3M2RmNTA2ZGIzMTM1N2FmOTQ2N2NhZFwiXX0ifQ
  14. Death parade gets a 10 from me but only a 9 because I expect only the best from madhouse.