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ugh. Monday morning again. That means 4 soul crushing hours of math ._.

  1. Clockwork_princess


    Oh Monday, I get to sleep in until whenever just like any other day,


    working from home with no time restraints is a blessing 

  2. You_are_a_cunt


    it's not a matter of me not liking to work on monday morning, it's just that the professor literally talks and writes on the blackboard for 2 hours straight withou really explaining anything.

    it gets boring real fast

  3. You_are_a_cunt


    it's not that it's confusing per se. With a bit of work itt can be understood, but at the rate the teacher's trying to present the information you either write everything down and try to understand later or write down the essentials and try to pay attention so you can try and understand from class.

    another issue is that the next 2 hours after the course is alao math where we're supposed to use the things we were just presented. Least the lab teach is less fast and takes his time to explain

  4. Clockwork_princess


    I just saying I didn’t go to college only finished highscool and I’m working from home on my own time making over 80k a year.


    school is worthless, you can learn a trade or even math/generals skills online for free or little cost but since it’s not certified it doesn’t matter in the real world. College is just a way to make money. 


    Spending $400 on a single book just to put you in debt and milk you of all the cash they can.


    Only field worth it for school is the medical field




