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I feel like a Boomer trying to use Snapchat. I don’t like this app

  1. Ashley MLP Fangirl

    Ashley MLP Fangirl

    I don't even have it.... I'm a boomer when it comes to phones. the only apps I use are YouTube and WhatsApp 99% of the time... 

  2. Guiltyxz


    I totally dont have like 500,000 snap score and have been a member since I was 10 😂

  3. TheGlenlivet


    What's older and more technologically ignorant than a Boomer?  Whatever it is,that's me.  

    I will take pride in never using Snapchat the way I do in never having used Facebook.

    Image result for get off my lawn meme

  4. Ashley MLP Fangirl

    Ashley MLP Fangirl

    @TheGlenlivet i only have facebook for messenger. i never post on it. 

  5. TheGlenlivet


    What can you do on mess anger that you can't do with texts?  Or is it access to other facebook messenger users that makes it worth it?

  6. Ashley MLP Fangirl

    Ashley MLP Fangirl

    @TheGlenlivet yeah it's access. almost everyone except boomers have facebook so if you need to contact someone you can almost always find them there. 

  7. soldier_ph


    Every other 17 year old: Has snap, insta and tik tok.



    Me: Has Twitter, Reddit, LTT Forum and Discord. (Technically also WhatsApp but I only use that because of my families and my classes chats)



    I'm a Tech enthusiast and I value my privacy and Data, also I don't care about any bullcrap outside of Tech, Games and General News so yeah that works for me.

  8. Guiltyxz


    @RorzNZ See I think its kind of switched around, at least where I am. Nowadays everyone uses Snap and WhatsApp is only used for people without a cell plan, whereas a few years ago everybody used WhatsApp

  9. Ashley MLP Fangirl

    Ashley MLP Fangirl

    @Guiltyx where i am everyone uses whatsap. that's the way teachers communicate with students now, even parents have it. 
