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Why does my Task Manager not show GPU usage in the processes tab anymore? I can only see it in the Performance tab........meanwhile on my MacBook Pro, Windows 10 shows GPU usage in the processes tab....



  1. AlTech


    Same. I can only assume it's due to the GPU Drivers.

  2. Speed Weed

    Speed Weed

    Mine does show GPU Usage. Did you right click on the Name and choose GPU and GPU engine?





  3. AlTech



    Guessing you're using Nvidia

  4. Speed Weed

    Speed Weed

    I am, but did you check GPU and GPU engine after right click on the Name columm? 

  5. DrMacintosh


    Guess Windows 10 is just being gay again. 



    Now it works. 

  6. AlTech


    @DrMacintosh Yeah idek anymore




    Windows 10 has a mind of its own.

  7. Speed Weed

    Speed Weed

    Holy crap, that many AMD processes?! That is a lot compare to NVIDIA GeForce Experience processes. 

  8. DrMacintosh


    Technically there is only one instance of the AMD user experience program. Quitting the one with the little expand option kills them all. 


    Also they use like no system resources so meh

  9. Speed Weed

    Speed Weed

    LOL, it reminds me of McAfee antivirus. Way too many processes. 

  10. DrMacintosh


    Also AMDs software is better overall so idc is there are a few extra processes running. 

  11. DrMacintosh


    Also I install everything, you can disable all of those things when updating/installing. So no biggie.  
