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Looking at some tuition for some top colleges in the nation. ~70k/year. 


Yeah, College is definitely not worth it. At least not traditional universities. I’d be much better off working for some small shop making a modest living. Hell I’d be happier I know that much. 

  1. BuckGup


    Education is an investment though. If you get a stupid degree sure you'll be in debt with no job. But having a degree means higher pay starting off and better employment opportunities 

  2. captain_to_fire


    Spent to the equivalent of $8K for four years in college and will spend $20K for four years in medical school and never took a single student loan (excluding daily expenses and school requirements like books). 


    Yikes. College in America is very expensive. 

  3. DrMacintosh


    @BuckGup Yeah an investment that results in you having to pay back half a million dollars, before interest.....


    Yeah, no. Computer Science Majors don’t get paid that much. 

  4. BuckGup


    That's why financial aid and scholarships exist

  5. DrMacintosh


    Not everyone can get a scholarship, not everyone qualifies for financial aid. Even if you do qualify, that’s chump change. 


    The problem is the education system. The solution is not “scholarships and financial aid” those are bandaids on gunshot wounds. The solution is a modern higher education system regulated by the government. 

  6. Techicolors


    there's coding bootcamps, but alot of them are sketch and top schools don't have best job placement. https://cirr.org/data 

  7. BuckGup


    Right but how it's suppose to work is if you can't afford college aid helps so you can and if you don't need support you can pay for it anyways. But in the real world if you aren't super poor or super rich you get screwed
