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Why do people keep using the phrase "future-proof" ?

It is a huge misnomer. PLEASE stop using it. The concept of a future proof anything is self defeating and self consuming simply as the future becomes present becomes past. Things age, we are currently making design and idea obsolete every 3-8 months.


Future-proofing was and is not a thing.

If you plan to build long term or long lasting then yes That is a thing.

  1. iBabySlapper


    It's because stuff is expensive and people want their stuff to last a long time. Not exactly complicated concept, but wether it aligns with reality is another matter.

  2. Lurick


    I spent $20,000 on a PC and got a core i11 super clocked edition, is it future proof yet?


  3. Fasauceome


    The idea of future proofing has existed for decades, it's just something that newbie users latch onto really quickly. The concept seems so simple and logical, buy expensive hardware and it is good for longer.


    The main problem is the fact that high end hardware does not remain high end, but if you buy high end hardware, you are targeting high end performance. But, your system will eventually become mid range, then low end, then obsolete, no matter how much money you spend. Newbies don't understand that when they buy high end hardware for the premium experience, they need to upgrade on the exact same cycle as people with low end and mid-range hardware to fuel their needs.

  4. Windows7ge


    I agree with planning ahead for plans of future expansion but the way people use the term "future proof" here does need to go.


    What grinds my gears is when people spam "SHOULD I BUY NOW OR WAIT FOR THE [Insert CPU/GPU/Chipset here] LAUNCH!?!". Seriously, pick from what's available now. Chances are if you wait for the next big thing by the time you buy it they're going to announce THE NEXT BIG THING. It's a vicious cycle.


    @Den-Fi Gonna have to disagree with you on that one. I believe people grossly overuse and abuse the term but the term itself isn't a contradiction or invalid. It's very useful when explaining performance problems in servers & networking (where I lurk most of the time).


    When it comes to gaming rigs and the like though I agree it needs to stop.

  5. Fasauceome


    what's worse than the people who ask if they should wait are the people who advocate waiting, dozens of people saying to wait for RTX 3000 launch because it's "soon" when it's actually like half a year away.

  6. lewdicrous


    We need a subforum specifically for things like future proof, bottleneck, etc., that just has a popup saying "stop" when you try to post in it.

  7. Lurick


    @lewdicrous But the forum is broken it won't let me post :P
