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Bob Jim

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Everything posted by Bob Jim

  1. New Profile Picture WOOOO

  2. His terrorism was so good VAC thought he hacked.
  3. Bob Jim

    CS:GO Rank?

    Woah... Thanks a ton. I started ranked MM just after the patch, so I was unaffected by it. My reaction time is I guess the main reason I fail with the awp, unless it is an angle like long doors where the enemy runs towards you, I rarely hit the shot. The thing I like to do in MM is being completely creative. Like, I have discovered myself about 5 different one way smokes on B site mirage, I do ballsy plays then retreat, etc. 'Surprise is half the battle'
  4. Bob Jim

    CS:GO Rank?

    I started playing in November, ranked into silver elite, 3 games later silver elite master, 6 wins 1 loss 1 tie later nova 1. First FPS I have ever played. Ever.
  5. Bob Jim

    CS:GO Rank?

    I am wondering if you guys could predict what rank I will end up in before stalling, at my current skill level. I am GN1 and top frag most of my games. I know the basic smokes and flashes, and I think I have fairly decent game sense. My main problem is shooting. I am fine with weapons that are tap fire, so pistols, shotguns, etc. Also fine with run-and-gun SMGs (duh), and tap shooting rifles. But I am TERRIBLE with awp, and spray control. My biggest bonus though, is as per the rest of my life I don't really panic or get pressured. Obviously vague, but where would you roughly say I might end up? BTW, I tend to try to be IGL on T side, calling starts, as it is sooooo easy to outsmart regular MM players. I relay on strats and game sense, rather than good shooting.
  6. I always see people complaining how terrible silver is and how impossible it is to rank up, especially with the new rank changes. Well, I ranked into Silver Elite after 10 wins, within 3 games had gotten Silver Elite Master. Top fragging every game. Won about 6 games, then tied one and on the tie I ranked up to Gold Nova 1. Had one or two bad team-mates but hardly any. Am I just lucky, or what? I play on Mirage/Dust II.
  7. Tell me the ways of the lightsaber screwdriver, master.
  8. Someone is building a replica of a COMPUTER game inside of another COMPUTER game. How hard is that to understand?
  9. Linus, just curious what are your thoughts on AMD's future with zen and Polaris?
  10. People don't want thinner phones, I would love a smaller 6 if the battery is not too bad.
  11. I have a 120GB Samsung 850 EVO as my boot drive. What should I put on it, other than the OS? How would I do the file moving and stuff to get the rest onto my 1TB Blue? Thanks
  12. Not really. This was always going to happen. The only news here is the names.
  13. I would go with the G2 for the tiny nitpicky reason that the cpu cable is a tiny bit easier to manage. In other words they are practically identical.
  14. According to the Consumentenbond, Samsung isis therefore guilty of unfair trade practices Just about the worst spelling error you could make... But then again Samsung is probably considered almost as bad by some
  15. Argos is a well known uk retailer. But you wouldn't know, would you?
  16. Every time AMD has had a die shrink, the entire lineup has shrunken - bar APUs. Look at the Wikipedia Radeon article.
  17. Aside from the price, what advantages does linux have that the average every day user would actually want (so not servers or whatever)
  18. I have the 2gb r9 380 nitro sitting next to me as we speak, and just a warning if you have a dodgy case with bad airflow like myself the fans will ramp up quite high.
  19. Umm... Please explain, because I am fairly sure my sentence is fine, and even if it did have a grammatical error is 100% legible.
  20. What can you not understand? lol ...It is an essay on Horatio Nelson...