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How powerful is a mobile 1650ti in relation to say a 1060/Fury/1070? Tempted to sell off my rig (1700/Fury) for a Zephyrus G14 with either the 4600hs/1650ti or 4800hs/1660ti, as I really could do with the portability of a laptop (move around tooooooo much and dislike hauling around my custom loop all the time) but at the same time don't want a big GPU downgrade either. 

  1. Tristerin


    Ahhh another fellow forum user of refined tastes (I have 2x 1700 with 1 Fury X and 1 Fury :) ) - a 1650 max Q (Im not sure what mobile variants go for but TI isnt one, but SUPER maybe but cant find benches - the Fury is 80%+ faster compared to a 1650 max q

  2. AlTech


    1650Ti is essentially a slightly OCed 1650.


    So about 30-50% worse than a RX 480/GTX 1060 and probably about 2x worse than a Vega 56/1070.


    1660Ti is similar to Vega 56 but a bit worse in quite a few titles.


    I would say 1650Ti isn't worth getting. I owned a 1650 laptop for a bit and GPU performance was quite bad.


    I'd say even 1660Ti is a bit low on the performance side. You'd be better suited with a 2060 or 2060 Super.

  3. AlTech


    @Mr.Meerkat I thought I've done some 1650 benchmarks so I did a look around and here's one of the ones I found that I did a while back.


    I did this benchmarking in October 2019 I believe. Even though it's from me, take it with a grain of salt. but here you go:




    You can substitute RX 480 with GTX 1060 and substitute Vega 56 with GTX 1070 in those benchmarks.


    The relative framerate compared to each of the cards is more important in that graph then the specific framerates themselves.


    Vega 56 in this benchmark does much better than the two other cards because of the 410GB/s memory bandwidth.

  4. Mr.Meerkat


    @Tristerin 1650ti is a thing. NBC has a few benchmarks on it.


    @AluminiumTech thanks for the information! So basically 1660ti or nothing, right (2060 demands a price increase a little too out of my budget). As for 1660ti performance, given I'm more than happy with my fury and the 1660ti (desktop variant anyway) is faster in benchies, I don't really need anything faster. I mean at stock clocks, 4800hs/1660ti will be faster than my 1700/fury rig in both CPU and GPU perf so think it's enough of an upgrade to spend about £400 for (especially the convenience). 
