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Yikes, my mother (who is abroad) has just messaged me regarding three unknown transactions on her business account. All three are from real companies (a power company, an insurance company and a debt collector), amounting to a 4 digit figure.


Only problem is we've never used the power or insurance company before plus debt collection would require a physical letter to our house first. Also, considering my mother's credit rating is in the "excellent" range, I doubt she'd be ignorant enough to let a debt default. 


Ah well, time to call the bank and probably insurance/power company on behalf of her (I'll get her bank to contact the debt collector as that sounds like an awful time). 

  1. Cyberspirit


    Yeesh, good luck with that.

    Maybe someone messed up and got the wrong account though, not sure how would that happen from three different companies. 

  2. Mr.Meerkat


    @Lukyp We are indeed in Europe but you see, we live in the land of "we don't like the European Union" so to be honest, when you wrote SEPA, I first thought of Scottish Environmental Protection Agency xD.


    @Cyberspirit Well I mean we'll soon find out. The bank advised me to tell my mother to use the bank's "secure" online chat as I'm not a registered on the bank account. We'll see what happens. 
